Our Secret Spot...

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I had been texting my girlfriend Heartie all-day and pretty much night I realized as I looked outside to see the sun setting. I turned my phone toward the window taking a picture of it and sending it to Heartie. I smiled as I read our messages typing in all caps when she called me "Rebecca Black."

I laughed for a little while as we continued to text. Pausing when she asked to call me I quickly called her before she called me so I laugh at her about it- (Idk if anyone else does this but I do) "Hey Heartie!" I laid down on my bed putting an arm over my stomach. "Hey, Friday could you come over soon? I wanna show you something I found a couple of weeks ago!"

I hummed in thought before shaking my head slightly. "Heartie it's getting dark out and my mom would kill me if I left." I heard Heartie laugh mischievously before simply saying, "Then sneak out." My face went blank as I thought about it for a second. "We'd both get grounded." Heartie hummed before answering with a quick, "Yep." "We'd both get our phones taken away for- I don't even want to think about how long,"

I could practically feel the smirk on Heartie's face. "Break from Youtube?" I snorted finally giving in. "Fine! I'll be over in like- screw it whenever I want to." "I'll be waiting!" After throwing on something comfortable I quietly opened the front door closing it just as quiet and started manhunt sprinting the heck outta there.

When I made it to Heartie's house she was already outside holding a blindfold. "Why do you have that?" Heartie jumped about 5 feet into the air before glaring at me as I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter. "I-its for you I want where I'm bringing you to be a surprise." I smiled at her before letting her put it on me. "Alright lead the way!"

I smiled a little brighter when she held my hand leading me to Prime knows where. After walking for what I thought must have been like five minutes before I finally let out a low whine. "Where are we going Heartie? we've been walking for a while and this blindfold is itchy!"

Heartie simply laughed a laugh that I had grown to love. "We'll be there soon sugar." "I could kill you right now and no one would find the body-" "-FRIDAY NO!" Heartie laughed finally letting my hand go. "If you killed me now bringing you here would be a huge waste!" I silently rolled my eyes behind the blindfold.

Heartie pulled me into a hug before gently taking off my blindfold revealing a small field of green grass being illuminated by the gentle orange glow of fireflies. That and the light of the moon that was right above us. It seemed like there was a barrier around the sky just where the moon was.

It looked like nothing had grown in that direction giving us a clear view of the bright moon casting over all the darkness that surrounded us. It was absolutely breathtaking. "This is beautiful..." I said in complete awe of what was surrounding us. "I'm really happy we're dating and... I wanted to share this with you since today we're supposed to be celebrating! And I wanted to celebrate 54k subs and us dating so I thought going here would be fun."

I hugged Heartie a little tighter after that. "I love you Heartie." I said softly, "I love you to Friday."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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