Chapter ⅫⅠ : Past and present

Începe de la început

"Do you miss him?"

"Every day, but his soul star watches over us,"

"Mom, what's a soul star?" Ember asked.

"Have I never told you?" Her mother's voice shook slightly.

The child shook her head. Achillean patted the top of Ember's head. "I'm not sure what they are either."

The adult Voltaris sighed. "Well, it is said that the stars are the shining souls of the fallen watching over all who live here." Ember looked up at the sky, she could still barely see a few stars.

"We are born from the stars, and one day we will return to the stars."


Achillean tried to imagine how many new stars had appeared in this war, most likely thousands. "I've never heard it described that way," he told Amaya. "Aperion- my mother, had said that when a person dies their soul star is always brighter than the rest for a few nights. I liked to think that it was because they were trying to let their loved ones know they were ok,"

The Nestoris nuzzled his head against Amaya's. The Voltaris was still hesitant when it came to touch, but she was improving. He felt Amaya gently trace her hand over his horn, "is Aperion still around?" the Voltaris asked.

"She is yes, you will have to meet her sometime," Achillean paused. "She would love you, and Ember,"

The Voltaris laughed slightly. It was now early in the morning, the sun had risen enough that you could no longer see the stars or moon. Achillean knew that his group would move again, the Nestoris was expected to lead an attack on the nether in a few day's time.

"Achillean," Thalleous cleared his throat from behind him, "A word please,"

the Nestoris got to his feet, he whispered to Amaya saying he would be back.

"What is between the two of you?" the Sendaris demanded, his tone was serious. "Is it wrong for me to like her?" Achillean responded, preparing himself for the whole 'Voltaris are evil' presentation.

"Yes! She is a Voltaris, rescuing her I get, but-"

"Has it ever occurred to you that history is told by the victors?" Achillean interrupted the Sendaris. "I- are you saying the Voltaris are in the right for killing the Masters?!" Thalleous' voice elevated slightly.

 "that was one Voltaris, and Amaya is blind now," Achillean lowered his voice, the Sendaris sighed. "I trust you, I don't understand what you see in her, but I won't stop you if that is your choice,"

Achillean nodded. "It is,"

The Sendaris nodded, turning to leave, he paused, "a messenger bird from Master Aegus came late last night. He has requested you return to Nestoria,"

"Did the note say why?"

"No, only it was urgant," With that Thalleous walked away, Achillean blinked, that had gone better than he thought it would.

"Amaya," he went back sitting next to the Voltaris, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I already know, you need to head to Nestoria," her voice was quiet. "Im not going to leave without you, if that is what you are thinking,"

The Voltaris paused "I won't be welcome," she then added. "What- what if im captured again," her breathing hitched, Achillean then gave the Voltaris a hug, "I won't let that happen,"


Achillean strapped the saddlebag on a horse, the creature stood still while the Nestoris fiddled with the knot, they would leave for Nestoria soon, the sound of footsteps through the snow made the Ardoni glance towards the sound, Amaya stood holding her daughter's hand.

Achillean helped both Voltaris onto the brown-colored horse before climbing up himself. He rested his head on top of Amaya's lovingly, earning a laugh from the Voltaris.

He urged the horse forwards, and slowly the powerful animal broke into a full run. With luck, they would be at Nestoria in a few days.

The ride was mostly silent, and Ember asking lots of questions about the animals she saw.

"What's that?" the Voltaris asked. Achillean followed her gaze, a small bird sat perched on a branch, once it saw the travelers it took off its small wings gliding through the air. Achillean smiled. "That's a sparrow,"

"I didn't realize the rest of Ardonia had so much wildlife," Amaya spoke up she had been mostly quiet the entire time, the Nestoris didn't blame her, she would be in an Ardoni clan province, one that had sent champions after the Voltaris... to kill them.

"Are there not birds on Mt. Velgren?"

"There are, but not like here," the Voltaris responded. "On the mountain, we mostly saw owls or eagles, not the smaller birds you both keep talking about,"

Achillean felt a pang in his heart, he wished Amaya could see all the life the rest of Ardonia held, he grabbed her hand gently rubbing it with his thumb, the palms of her hands were rougher than he expected but still soft all the same.

They had made good progress, the sun had already started to set, the sky was painted with soft reds and oranges. It was said each Ardoni clan had an aspect in nature. He could guess what the Voltaris' was.

"Will we be able to see the Stars in Nestoria?" Ember asked.

"Of course, you can see the stars pretty much anywhere in Ardonia," he replied. "Why?"

"I enjoy seeing them, I feel like my brother still watches over me," her voice grew sad.

Achillean frowned, he felt great sympathy for both Voltaris, but also respect they had both survived and been through so much.


Ingressus' head pounded. The Sendaris had hurt him more than he would like to admit.

He struggled to his feet, glancing around he saw he was in his chambers. He sat up not ready for the wave of dizziness that struck him.

If there was one thing he hated about songs, it was the after-effects of being struck with one.

"Are you feeling better," Vulcannus came into view, as per usual his demeanor was calm and relaxed. "You have been out for almost a day, that Sendaris hit you good,"

"I am fine." he hissed through clenched teeth as he got to his feet, the floor swayed beneath him. "What do you want," he growled his voice was scratchy.

"Cronos wanted to know if you were awake,"


"The kingdoms have started to fall back"


the scene when they are getting ready to leave with the horse- it's just weird ;-; I wasn't really sure how to write it, I might change it when I go back through and re-write parts of this story. anyway thank you for reading, at the time im writing this WoTS has 500+ reads, thank you, guys! 

Will of the Stars -SoW fanfiction-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum