More headcanons to feed you simps

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Sadly I've run out of one shot ideas so here's some headcanon

•satoru hates spiders, kenya thinks they're cool, this topic has made them bicker a lot

•kenya has a really pretty singing voice, satoru likes it very much :)

•satoru takes kenya to the Christmas tree a lot, when asked why satoru said "I take the people I care about the most here"

•kenya can read English, satoru finds this very cool

•kenya stays over at satoru and sachikos house when his parents are on business trips, he doesn't mind really, he actually gets pretty excited since he gets to see his 'best friend'

•satoru asks some really weird and stupid questions, kenya never complains like the others he answers them with ease

•the first time they hugged kenya didn't process it well, he doesn't know affection

•satoru is really good at cooking (bc of his mom ofc) and likes to make kenya lunches if kenya lets him

•kazu, osamu, and hiromi have a very complex theory on why kenya and satoru are friends

•kenya has made a PowerPoint presentation on why satoru deserves the world

•satoru has drawn kenya, many, many times

•much to Kenya's surprise, Satoru and down a whole cup of coffee and not freak tf out

•satoru isn't the best at talking to people so when an adult tries to interact with satoru kenya has to stop the whole thing so satoru doesn't end up crying

•they kissed bc of truth or dare, no one dares mention it

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