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☡ TW!!!! Idk what y'all triggers are so read at your own risk! ☡

Dream's POV

It has been exactly a week since Alyssa was murdered. She was given a proper funeral. I have been trying to find who murdered her. So here I am at a park. I take a seat on a park bench several feet away from a kid, who happened to be one of the leaders from the Nemisis Cartel.

"Nice meeting you here Mr. Dream," The Kid says. "May I ask why I had to travel all the way down here from Tarrin?"

"I want to know if you have heard anything about Alyssa's murder," I say.

"No, I have not heard anything Mr. Dream," the kid says.

I sigh,"Thank you though," I say.

"Alright bring me back up," The kid says into a walkie before disappearing.

"God, I am getting no where," I say to myself getting up from the bench.

I walk back to base.

"Hey you get anything information?" SapNap asks.

"No, they didn't know anything," I say.

"Who did you talk to?" George asks.

"Uhh 5'9, long hair put into a ponytail, buzz cut underneath it," I say describing the kid.

"Who you want to talk to is the youngest of the Cartel, Goes by Chaotic Bailey, normally out and not staying with the group, you can probably find them and their friend Minty around, they normally stick together in a group of three but Chaotic Bailey gets distracted and wonders off, Minty normally follows to make sure they get back up to their base. Also be careful, they may seem friendly but they won't hesitate to kill you," George says.

"How do you know all that?" SapNap asks.

"He may or may not of was threatened last time they did a trade," Bad says looking up from his book.

"WHAT! GEORGE GOT SCARED A KID!" I yell. I started laughing.

"HEY! DON'T LAUGH!" George pouts.

"Anyway if you want to meet them and ask them you can come with me tomorrow for a trade," Bad says.

"Yeah, I'll come," I say.

Time skip to da next day brought to you by my sanity that I lost a few years ago

"So where are we supposed to meet them?" I ask Bad.

Two kids come down the path, one pulling a red wagon behind them.

The one pulling the wagon is wearing a blue and gray stripped t-shirt, yellow overalls over the t-shirt, red hightops and a daisy flower crown. The one next to them is wearing a yellow sweatshirt, ripped jeans, white sneakers, a beanie and they have demon horns like Bad. Both seem 5'6.

"Hi Bad!" The one pulling the wagon says. "Who's your friend?"

"Wassup Bad," The one with horns says.

"Hello!" Bad says.

"Hi, I'm Dream," I say akwardly.

"Minty we shall show no fear towards the stranger," The one with the wagon says laughing.

"I won't hesitate to kill you," I say.

"Yea and I womt hesitate to murder your friends and family, drink their blood infront of you while I am setting fire to your home and watching you beg for mercy and stand in shock, all while making Mac and Cheese, don't test me," They respond handing Bad some boxes and than looking at a clipboard . "That will be 64 bone marrow, 10 oak trees and 13 daisys!"

"So you must be Chaotic Bailey?"  I ask them while Minty and Bad do the trade.

"Yep!" They say.

"Hey Dream, do you have three oak trees?" Bad asks.

"You don't have enough trees Bad?" Chaotic Bailey asks.

"Yea, I got some trees," I say handing Minty the trees. "Hey quick question have you heard anything about Alyssa's murder?"

"Depends, what do I get for giving you what I have heard?" Chaotic Bailey asks.

"Uh idk what do you guys need?" I ask.

"Well diamonds might do, or netherite, maybe lapis, maybe some flint and steal," Minty says. "But what ever works for you."

"I got 20 diamonds, 5 netherite, 2 flint and steals, you guys can have it," I say handing Minty the items.

"Ight Thanks!" Minty says before putting the items away.

"So what have you heard?" I ask.

"No one saw anyone near or leave the scene, they only heard the scream, lasted about 20 seconds. Rumor has it that the murder is trying to get to your mafia, others say that Alyssa forgot to pay a debt back so someone was sent to assinate her, others say she stumbled upon another mafia's or Cartel's land without asking or for a trade, and that she was dumped there," Chaotic Bailey says. "I have also heard that it wasn't the real Alyssa that was killed, it was a decoy and that the real Alyssa is being held hostage by whoever killed the decoy, another story I have heard is that Alyssa joined a different Cartel or Mafia and they needed a way for her to go undercover and join without anyone suspecting that she betrayed you guys and left y'alls asses behind so they used a decoy and faked her death. But those might all be rumors, but be on watch, someone came for Alyssa, who knows what memeber of your mafia might go next. Alright where to next Minty?"

"Ummm SBI Mafia and than lastly Mexican Lmanburg Cartel," Minty says looking at the clipboard.

"Do they owe us anything?" Chaotic Bailey asks.

"Yes, Mexican Lmanburg Cartel owes us 10 brewing stands and the SBI Mafia owes us two daggers?" Minty says questioning the last part.

"Hmmm okay, we will have to talk to them about that," Chaotic Bailey says. "Nice Meeting you Dream!"

And with that the kids walk away wheeling their wagon behind them.

"So did you get any information?" Bad asks.

"Yea, I'll tell you when I tell everyone when we get back," I say taking the boxes from Bad.

We walk back to base and I take the boxes to storage.


I put the things away in their designated places and head to the meeting room. I enter the meeting room and take a seat at the head of the table.

"I have called this meeting to give you some useful information that might help us determine and figure out who killed Alyssa." I say. "I asked an onimous source about what they might of heard, there are a lot of rumors going around saying that Alyssa faked us out and joined another mafia or cartel, others say that her body was dumped where we found it, but I was told to keep watch, one of you might be next, so from now one we are going to double up when going out on patrol, That's all for now you all are dismissed," I say.

SapNap, Bad, and George stay behind.

"So one of us might be killed next?" George asks.

"That's what I was warned but we can't take precautions, if the rumor is true one of us will be killed next," I say.



YELLOW! TIS ME AGAIN! Wow updated this story twice already.

So who do you think is going to die? Or do you think anyone won't die?

If you are meh friends no spoiling. Also I added me and my friends as our own little ocs in the story so we can be the commedic background characters.

Anywho Til Next Chapter!


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