Chapter 2: The tables turn

Start from the beginning

And she was alone in the house for her parents and siblings had gone out to visit Mara's aunt from her mother's side and Mara had not wished to go with, the idiot she was.

She dropped her embroidery and got up, all the while staring at him in shock. He looked dishevelled and was breathing heavily and she could see a storm of emotions in those steel blue eyes she loved so much.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" she barely got out of her mouth, for it was as if she suddenly lost all capability of formulating a sentence.

He walked over towards her and stilled in front of her, a bit too close for comfort as it was a familiar proximity but this time it did not feel 'right'.

"Is it true? You are to marry the Viscount Bridgerton?", he demanded to know with a voice that was part angry, upset and desperate.

"I.. I" was the only thing Mara could say before he interrupted her anyway.

"So, after all we have been through you are just going to marry someone else. Just like that" he asked accusingly.

And that point Mara wondered if he knew how stupid he sounded for accusing her of doing something he had done. The sentence also implied that there was an issue of her not being loyal to him and it angered her immensely. She had not been the one that have given up on them, he had. Not only had he given up on them he had replaced her with a better version, had upgraded, without having any regards for her feelings.

"Or.. like how YOU proceeded to do, you mean?", she sarcastically stated, and his face dropped instantly, he looked down and then took a few steps back. There was a long silence between the once lovers, silences between them had always been few so it was a strange thing to experience for both.

"I.. I made a mistake.. I shouldn't have- ", he began with a trembling voice and she could see tears formulating in his eyes.

"Yes, but you did.." Mara said, trying to keep it all together. For now, she was succeeding but there was no indication her success would be long lasting especially since she took a few steps forward to her.

"I don't know what came over me.. I promised you we were to marry after I got back from the business trip father send me to in Milan and then.. You introduced me to Lauren and- "

"So, this is my fault?" she inquired, irritably.

"Of course not.. "he immediately responded.

"NONE of this is your fault but how could you forget so easily? We were going to start a life together, remember?", he asked her, overcome with emotion.

"I have not forgotten. I don't know what happened either, I don't understand... It felt like I didn't know you anymore.. The Henry I knew and loved my Henry. My Henry would not have- ", Mara started.

"I am still your Henry. Still or I can be again. I'll do whatever you want. Just say the word.", he interjected.

Mara shook her head again and by now went ahead and let her tears fall freely.

"It's too late. Don't you see? It is too late", she said dejected.

"No" and this time he disagreed with her by shaking his head.

"It is not too late.. I'll get an annulment and then you and I can- ", Henry wished to argue but did not get extremely far.

"Right.. and you would expect me to take you back even if you were free, as if nothing happened? You will be a father in a couple of months, Henry or have you forgotten about that?".

He did not answer, how could he so instead he just stared at her with compassion in his eyes.

She continued, barely, but she had to let him know. Had to let know what his deceit, this betrayal had done to her, she wouldn't have forgiven herself, EVER, if she had not done so.

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