Not so glorious anniversary.

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Lucia and Mick are getting ready for their anniversary date. Mick decided last minute that they would have a quick break in Vegas before the start of the new season.

Lucia couldn't complain it's somewhere she always wanted to visit and after a proper wintery Christmas and new year with the Schumachers, Lucia needed some sun. She hadn't had snow on the Christmas morning for many years so loved it.
Her friends were more gutted than what she was when Mick didn't give her a ring. But Lucia doesn't mind. She was happy enough with cute photos of her in the snow.

Mick still gets somewhat uneasy when Robert comments on her posts and they can be seen as somewhat flirty. But he can't control what she posts or what he says to her.
Taking a photo of his beautiful girlfriend, he can't help but wonder what guys will be saying to her online. He loves that she is body confident and loves to show her curves off. Even in her tight dresses, her bikini shots.

Mick takes her hand as soon as they leave the hotel to wander down to the restaurant. "You look very beautiful tonight. How did I get so lucky?" Says to Lu. She smiles at him. "I dunno. It was your ass that sold me on you." Lucia laughs. "Ugh. Lu always lowering the mood Huh." Mick teases her back. They hadn't actually seen much of Vegas, with staying at his parents home. Lucia was very respectful, even though his parents hadn't even set any rules for her.
So of course when they were alone in Vegas, it was fire. All systems are go. Mick was looking forward to having some outside time with her. "I don't always lower the tone.. it's not my fault your so bloody hot... ooooh." Lucia squeals the ooh.

Mick is confused why. He can't see any dogs or children around. He notices the infamous little white chapel. She has never mentioned being married to him. So he is confused. "Yeah. What about it! You planning on doing a Britney Spears are you?" Mick teases Lucia. But instantly regrets it.
"We could do... But think Mama Schu would be mad. If we did." Lucia says to him, making him question himself. "Well she wouldn't. Isn't it hard to get married here quickly?" Mick asks stupidly.
Lucia pulls out her phone and Google's it. "No. Just need a license before we booked a chapel... but it's okay. We aren't even engaged it would be too much too soon."

They walk to the restaurant in silence. "Were you expecting me to ask you at Christmas?" Mick asks as he takes his seat.
Lucia 's face says differently to her answer of no. "Baby. We've not been together long.. don't you want to make more memories before doing the whole thing of settling down? You said you'd love to do a masters or PhD.. you don't want to be Dr Schumacher... Lucia." Mick is surprised by Lucias lack of conversation.
"Can we drop it. You don't want to it's obvious." Lucia eventually bites, shoving her knuckles into the corners of her eyes.
Mick watches her bottom lip wobble as she fights with her emotions.
"Lu. Don't. We've never spoken about it... why rush it? I love you. Isn't that enough?" He waits for a response but doesn't get one. "Lucia. Come on. Stop. What do you want to drink?"
"Pepsi." Lucia says quietly.
They sit awkwardly silent. Not how either of them imagined their anniversary together. "I think I might just go back to hotel. I'm not hungry." Lucia eventually says out just loud enough for Mick to hear.
But he refuses. "No. It's our anniversary. We can't just not do anything... Lu. Come on. Be fair." He reaches out over the table to hold her hand. "No. I'm not hungry. Or want to be here."

She starts to look for her hotel key in her bag. "Lucia. Stop come on. What's up? Apart from me not giving you a rock." Mick asks her, bored of her attitude. "Why were you expecting one? I've not mentioned being married nor have you. I didn't even think you wanted to be married." Lucia looks away from mick. "Ugh. Lu. I can't imagine my life without you. So it's not a never going to happen. I just won't be pressured into doing it." Mick groans as Lucia leaves the table. But doesn't leave behind her. "Ugh. It's ruined..." Mick texts his mum. "What is? Is everything okay? Have you two fallen out?" She replies back, but Mick had already typed out his reply. "Yeah. She's walked out the restaurant... some anniversary. Think she was expecting more... like a ring."

"Oh. Why don't you? You are always saying how much she means to you. Yous can have a long engagement."

Mick rubs his eyes. He's tired. He starts to doubt her intentions in the bedroom now. He starts to feel like he doesn't know Lucia at all. "Have you been trying to get pregnant?" He sends her a text.
But he sees Lu walking back in. So he regrets it. "Calmed down?" He asks her. She nods her head. "Why can't we just get married and not tell anyone? Then that way if it fails then it's okay." Lucia asks him.
Mick shakes his head. "You've lost your mind. Lulu. We can't just get married because you want too. We aren't engaged... and I'm not sure I'm ready fit it. I love you so much and don't want to lose you. But marriage is massive step.."

"What about kids am I banished from having them young too?" Lucia bites at him. "Being married and having kids young doesn't stop the world from moving. Gives us better focus to achieve what we want too." Lucia says to him.
"So are you trying to get pregnant!" Mick asks her shocked. As he remember the last few times they had sex and how they didn't use anything. "No... Im not. But if I do it's no biggie." Lucia starts to say... but stops as she catches Micks face.
"Okay. I'll stop... you obviously don't want to move forward with me." Lucia says. Sipping her drink.
"Do we have to talk about it now? Like right now? Lu..." Mick asks her. It's not the night he thought they would be having. "No. It's fine. Let's just eat." Lucia bites at him.

Mick watches as Lucia plays on her phone, whilst waiting on food. It's not like them not to talk and joke around.
"Babe.. are we okay?" Mick asks Lucia. She looks up at him. "Sure." Mick looks at her. "It doesn't feel like it..."

They sit in silence and eat their food. Walking out of the restaurant, they both look miserable. Even when the owner wants a photo of them, Lucia isn't one for faking a smile. Mick takes her hand in the photo but you can see it's not right. "Two minutes.." mick says and pulls Lucia to the side. "Please smile.. and look like you want to be here with me." Lucia looks up at Mick and looks deeply into his eyes.
"Why can't we just get married or engaged? Or have babies?" Lucia asks him.
"I want to ask you in my own time... or for babies happening naturally... we don't need to rush anything, we have time. Baby I'm not going anywhere."
Lucia looks at Mick holding back her tears. "But isn't that what your mum thought..." Mick realises what she means. "Oh baby. Come here, I love you and I will always be by your side. No matter what happens." Mick cuddles Lucia, before picking her up properly.
"Will we go do the photo then look at shops in the hotel?" Mick pushes a kiss into Lucia.

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