Chapter Seven- Feelings Change.

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Callen: "Maybe you should help me take care of it."

Arianna: "You know we can't, Callen. You'll have to wait until Greenlee gets home."

I knew she was going to say that. I just let it go. I give her the shots then sit in the chair in her room. She has to stay in the position she is in for thirty minutes after the shots. We alternate hips, so she gets a different view every time. This time I am thankful her view is directed at the chair.

Arianna: "What on your mind?"

Callen: "Right this second, I am thinking about wanting to make love to my wife."

Arianna: "Not happening."

Callen: "I know."

Arianna: "What is it you really want, Callen?"

There is no easy way to say it. It's going to be brutal, but I just have to tell her. She set all this in motion, so she is going to have to deal with it.

Callen: "Arianna, I am in love with Greenlee. I tried so hard to fight it, but I can't anymore."

Arianna: "Have you told her?"

Callen: "No. I told you from the beginning I didn't want feelings involved. I am the one who is breaking my own rule."

Arianna: "Callen, that is what I wanted for you. I wanted you to love her. I know she will never take my place. I know what we have. I also know I am the reason we are where we are right now. Don't keep it from her. You need to tell her. You loving her doesn't mean that I love you any less. I have never denied that I am still in love with you. I know you still love me. It's ok to love us both, but she has a right to know."

Callen: "I agree. I was going to tell her today."

Arianna: "Are you going to be able to handle it if she doesn't feel the same?"

Callen: "I will be. I have to tell her, though. It's been weighing on me the last couple of weeks. It's been hard not to blurt it out in certain situations."

Like when we're making love. Don't get me wrong, we can get down and dirty, but we also have the ability to make love for hours. I wasn't even able to do that with Arianna. When I am beating it down roughly, I don't feel the need to tell her I love her. When I am balls deep into our third love making session of the night, it's hard to keep it reigned in.

It's also hard when I walk in the room, and she her on the couch with my daughter in her lap or waking up to her beautiful face every morning. I have been good about it, though. I can no longer hold it in. I refuse to hold it in anymore. I never thought it was possible to love two women at once. I know differently now, and I own it.

I text Greenlee.

~Text conversation~

Callen: "We need to talk, Sweetheart."

Greenlee: "We are about to head home. I am just finishing up a conversation with Aubrey."

Callen: "No, hurry."

~End conversation~

~~Greenlee's Point of view~~

Today is for the fourth year of my Grandmother's death. Today has been extremely stressful. We were at my Grandma's grave when my parents showed up. They didn't have much to say until they saw Bria. It took hours for me and Aubrey to convince them that she wasn't mine. They finally understood when I showed them Callen's Facebook.

The NannyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant