Chapter four

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Techno's eyes fluttered open as he stirred awake, expecting to awaken on the floor, although I stead of that happening, he realized he wasn't only just in his bed right now but that it was hard to move, so where was he? in the arms of dream, ofcourse. suddenly memories of the previous hours he'd been awake flooded back into mind.

his legs tangled with dreams and his arms around the others neck, closing in the space between them. his cheeks flushed a dark crimson shade of pinkish red before he'd realized the other was begining to stir, his heart skipping a beat as he quickly closed his eyes. he wouldn't be caught staring!

dream looked around as techno had before dream woke, realizing where he was he panicked and his eyes grew wide as he untangled his legs from techno's and slid his head underneath the others arms, quickly pulling himself out of bed and tripping in the process caused a sigh of relief when then pinkettes eyes hadn't opened.

unknowingly to dream ofcourse, techno was VERY awake. and very aware. but something neither of them had done was that Phil was watching through the crack of the door before a shaking his head gently, knocking lightly on the door. the two looked to Phil, techno pretending to have just waken up. "breakfast is read- oh was I.. interrupting something?" a sly look in his eyes

"n-no uhm- thanks though" dream spoke quickly, glancing to technoblade. Phil looked between the two of them before nodding and walking back out, allowing the two of them space. "uh good morning techno! I'm- I'm gonna go get that breakfast" he quickly rushed out of the room, meeting Phil down stairs.

the other blonde only chuckled at the sight of dream as he said softly, as to not let techno hear from upstairs, "I saw the two of you sleeping together" dreams face fully flushed, and he began fidgeting with his hands. "o-oh that was nothing." he smiled.

"..if you say so mate.." after a few minutes of silence, now having dream sitting at the table, playing around with his food a tad, Phil spoke up again. "you look cute together" dream nodded, knowing his face was absolutely burned by now. then they both heard techno walking down the stairs

"ah, hey tech! saved a plate for you" Phil have a warm, playful smile which earned a nod from the taller. techno seated himself and began eating his food which consisted of eggs, hash browns and orange juice. a fine replacement for bacon, as that food made him uncomfortable.

the three sat in silence, eating their food. today would be a quiet day for the most part, with Phil continuing to tease at dream Everytime techno would be out of ears reach. he knew it wasn't causing any harm. and besides, he didn't mean it as a ship anyways. it was just a little joke he'd created. well, that was until he saw the way dream would react when he said those things.

Phil wasn't lying, he thought they did look really cute together. though he wouldn't let techno hear him. atleast for now. he wouldn't judge them if they were gay, he didn't care what they were. he, himself was bisexual so he didn't mind. besides, why would he care for what somebody's sexuality is? you're not the one they're tryna fuck so what's it gotta do with you?

Phil didn't care so long as they're all happy.

[slight change in the way it's written, your thoughts? I know it's prolly bad but I really tried. I'll do a longer chapter soon, it takes time. if you guys don't like this chapter then I can remake it differently. its only fair since this time I made it a lil cheesy]

The Breakdown (Dream X Technoblade)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin