Girl Trouble

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Quick A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys! Thank you so much for all the support so far, you guys really are the ones who motivate me to write. Hope you all have a lovely day, and enjoy this chapter :)
The gentle aroma of warm cinnamon and honey floats through the morning air of my new house in Avonlea. I sit idly by the stove, legs dangling off of my chair as I wait for my porridge to finish cooking. The scent makes the wait almost unbearable, as I am forced to sit patiently while being tempted by the slowly cooking porridge that is sat on the stovetop. I glance over to the fine old grandfather clock; 7:15am: I still have time.

The legs of my old wooden chair creak beneath me as I stand and make my way over to the bedroom. I open my closet and cast my eyes upon the array of dresses that lay hidden behind the rich spruce doors. A vast variety of garments hang before me: deep maroons, lush purples, bright greens and even harsh yellows beam from within the old closet. I set my eyes on one dress in particular. Yes, this one will do nicely.

My nightgown falls to the floor with a thump as I undress and promptly put on my chosen gown for the day. It is a deep forest green, with buttons up the front and a neat bow that ties around the back. Beneath the dress I don a white, puffed long-sleeved blouse. I tie my hair with a matching green ribbon and gaze upon my reflection in the mirror. Mother would be proud. I look every bit that girl I was raised to be.

Realisation dawns upon me as I remember the porridge I had left previously on the stove. My feet patter quickly across the wooden floorboards, in a rush to get to the stove. Luckily, the porridge was not burnt and I removed the pot quickly from the stovetop. The old clock now reads 7:35am. I need to hurry. I hastily serve my porridge into a white china bowl and eat.
The bell of the Avonlea School House rings obnoxiously as I rise from my seat next to Diana. She eyes my nervously, her face covered with an emotion I just can't place. Apprehension, maybe? I'm just not sure.

She speaks softly, faltering over her words. Miss Diana is clearly unsure of what she is about to ask.
"Mhmm?" I return kindly, urging her on.
"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me and some of the other girls today? I'm sure they won't mind."
My thoughts flashback to the dirty looks I had received from some of my fellow classmates the day before. Apparently my sudden popularity with the boys had not pleased the other girls. Despite this, I nod my head at Diana.
"Sure," I nod, smiling. "That sounds lovely."

Diana's pale pink lips turn upwards slightly, indicating her relief at my response. I follow the brown-headed girl to a corner of the classroom where the rest of the girls sit.

All eyes fall on me as I lower myself to sit with the other girls. I glance around, noting  people's facial expressions. Some look scared, some annoyed, and even some perplexed. But none look happy or excited. Not even in the slightest.

"Hi," I greet, my tone leisurely. "I'm (Y/N)."
"So we've heard." replies another girl, in a biting manner. I think someone said her name before. Was it... Josie? Yes. That's it. Josie Pye.

I grimace at her response and turn instead to focus on my lunch bag. Inside lies an apple, a glass bottle of milk and a buttered sandwich. I sigh. It seems today is going to be a long day.

"So, ladies, I invited (Y/N) here so we could each get to know each other. How about we make her feel welcome?" Diana says.

"Seems to me like the boys have already given her an especially warm welcome." huffs one girl.

"Now now, Ruby." Diana says back. "Let's not get too upset here."

The blonde-haired girl I now recognise as Ruby pipes up again.
"Personally I don't see why you invited her. From my perspective it appears that she was getting along with Gilbert and the others perfectly fine."

A chorus of agreeance rises up after that last statement. Apparently almost all of the girls here resent me. Except Diana, of course. Even the fiery Anne Shirley seems to be siding with the rest of the group.

"I don't see what my friendship with Gilbert has to do with any of this. Quite frankly, he was just being nice. I am new after all." I utter, nonchalantly.

"Oh yes, I'm sure it was just a friendship. Honestly (Y/N), do you have no consideration at all? Ruby's had dibs on Gilbert for three years now. Can't you see what you're doing to her?" Josie cuts in.
I glance over to see that Ruby's eyes have been glazed slightly with fresh tears. All I've done is talk to a few measly little boys, and this is what I get? I thought us girls were meant to stick together. Apparently not.

"Fine then," I speak as I stand from my seat. "Seeing as none of you want me here, I guess I'll go back and talk to the boys. They most certainly gave me a much warmer welcome." My (y/h/c) hair flips elegantly as I storm away from the rest of the girls. Their eyes tear into my back like gleaming daggers, watching as I storm out the door and into the courtyard.

It is there that I find Gilbert, who is playing catch with Charlie Sloane and William. A pair of charming hazel-green eyes turn to my direction.
"Ah, (Y/N)!" greets Gilbert kindly. "I was wondering where you were. Did you have fun with the girls?"

I huff a sigh, my disdain written all over my tired face. Gilbert's face drops, his eyes crinkling with concern
"What's wrong?" He asks. "Did things not go too well?"

"It seems my sudden friendship with you and the other boys hasn't set me off to a good start with them." I say.
Gilbert nods knowingly.
"Jealousy, that's what it is." He murmurs.

I look up to meet his eyes. He seems soft, sympathetic even. My stomach flutters as I feel a tiny part of myself melting. Oh boy, here we go. Another crush on another unattainable boy. His lips curve into a small but reassuring smile.
"Well, let's not worry about that," he jests. "Why don't you join us for some catch?" My heart leaps as I nod vigorously.

One small loss has lead to an even greater victory.
Thank you so much everyone for reading! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, even though it hasn't been that eventful. I promise you though, the excitement is coming soon ;)

As always feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions in the comment section and I'll be sure to check up and respond to each and every one.

That's all from me now, until next time.
-TMRfan06 xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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