Chapter 45 Friends do NOT last forever

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The 2 walked to the back of the stage They saw Caesar younger brother Micah holding a huge Keyboard in his hands They notice he was having a hard time with it and went to help them
Unique:Of course (Damn he looks at lot like Caesar the only difference is his droopy Afro That was covering his eyes)
Micah:Thanks you guys nice! Im Micah you might already know that but im saying it because all of my brothers looks alike
Hiro:we remember
Unique:So your the youngest?
Micah:Yup! i know i don't look like it but i'm 8
Hiro:Damn your as tall as Caesar
Micah:I know right i like tease him about it sometimes i might be as tall as my big cousin Dontrell by the time i'm 10 and...
Hiro:(Wow he talks a lot)
Micah:Yo your Unique right? Caesar Really likes you and i now i see why your extremely Pretty i've seen you on Tv sadly you only come on at 12 at midnight in America but thats okay! Because i like too Eat Ice cream during that time i wanna go to Africa one day and take all my family members with me! Including my dad and Caesar's dad Melanie dontrell and China dad Cyrus's and kendric dad and of course My grandpa and grandma you can come too! Are family could be little LOUD sometimes but-
Unique:(Damn then i guess your just a example of them wait did he just call me pretty?)
Micah:But we all love meeting new people In fact You guys are my best friends! Lets sit at the next challenge together! I got so much to tell you guys!
Micah put his arm around Hiro and unique and walked off hiro and Unique didn't really know what to do but just go with it they didn't wanna be rude
Micah:Hey Cyrus!
Cyrus:What Micah?
Micah:New friends!
Cyrus:sorry is micah bothering you? Micah leave these poor people alone
Micah:Your not the boss of me
Cyrus:Yes i am
Micah:Not if i tell mom we're you and that girl with the white streak went too during the Game
Unique:girl with White streak?....You we're with djesire?
Cyrus:Yeah and shut up Austin
Micah:hey! Don't call me by my last name...
Cyrus:Don't be mad that you got a white boy last name
Hiro:So Michael isn'y your last name
Micah:No thats Caesar's last name from his dad i took my Moms last name Austin
Cyrus:And i'm cyrus Mitchell and my Twin brother is Kendric Mitchell we like too Are mom was gonna take Caesar's dads last name and give it to micah but She didn't like the sound of Micah Michael so she just took her boyfriend name China dontrell and Melanie are the only ones with the same dad other then me and Kendric
Micah:Yeah then there daddy got locked up for drugs
Unique:Thats one family tree you got there...

Huey was in the throwing Water on his face That fight embarrassed him and he wasn't finna lose another he walked to the cafeteria and sat down Dontrell was glaring at Princeton who had girls all around him
Dontrell:How the fuck he get all them girls
Riley:You mean hoes? He the principal son and a "Bad boy" apparently because his brother is
Dontrell:Imma get all them girls watch me I already got one right here
Huey slapped dontrell arm off Phoneyx
Huey:Get your musty arms pits off her
Dontrell:Damn protective much
Caesar:Sit down dontrell
VP Tiana: i want Riley freeman a checkerboard
Riley:Hell ya'll mother fuckers finna lose!
VP Tiana:Dontrell Carter Orange
Dontrell:Watch imma win and get them girls including you
Phoneyx:Boy bye i'm 10
VP Tiana:Phoneyx Andrews another checkerboard and i want her too be are team captain
Phoneyx:Hm? Alright bet lets do this
Huey:Good luck
Royalty:Yeah good luck
VP tiana:My dear son Princeton
Some of the girls on his table started cheering and he blew kisses near them all
Dontrell:Lion lookin ass show off bitch
VP tiana:Miriam Charles magenta and thats all we need for are team now..... principal maci...
Maci smirked and stood up
Principal Maci:I choose Cythina McPherson From shadow as are team captain
Principal maci:Now lets switch this up a bit Cythina you pick ANY kid from this room too be on your side
Cindy:Gladly hmm i choose.....Huey freeman!
The hole cafeteria went "Oooh" Unique Micah Hiro and Cyrus soon walked in on all that phoneyx was furious
VP Tiana:Right! She not even allowed to pick the team members!
Principal Maci:Actually Vice principal Tiana if you look in the rule book it has no rule that it can't be allowed
Tiana:(This bitch).....
Principal Maci:Okay its settled then Please bring over Huey freeman
Huey got up he had his fist in balls wanting too strangle Cindy right then and there Phoneyx gave him a sad look and Huey glare slowly faded away the more he looked at it
Unique:Umm what the fuck just happened?!
Mercedes:Huey just got picked too be on the rivals
Hiro:This isn't fair! What the fuck?!
Cindy:I pick Josephine Hilton from aquarium
Djesire:Great and adds Josephine too make it all worse
After Cindy picked all her teammates They all walked out of there to get there stuff together as there we're walking out Huey stopped Phoneyx
Huey:Look i gotta a plan-
Cindy:NO! Team members do not speak to the rivals! Get over here!
Huey was so annoyed but he was able too whisper something in Phoenyx's Ear before he could go
Nofeair:This is bad with Huey on there side we are obviously going to lose
Unique:But think Huey is a smart kid he probably has a plan already figured out and lets not forget about Phoneyx they got something planned i know it
Royalty:And Josephine....
Everyone looked at each other and Nofeair decided he would be the one to break the news too her
Nofeair:Royalty i'm sorry but i don't Josephine is apart of us anymore
Nofeair:I don't wanna think that but it might be true Josephine dad is terrorizing her life her mom is not even a mom at this point she has over 15 different types of bloods in her that her mom was forced to put inside her while she was pregnant and it turns out that her family is one of the world second most dangerous powerful family when she was little they had too move a lot because of that woodcrest is the only place we're there not mentioned a lot Jo is originally born in Washington D.C then move to Atlanta then Hawaii and the list goes on
Nofeair:I know she's your best friend but think about your life Royalty! You can be killed
Royalty:I was almost killed twice what makes you think that i can't handle this?!
Nofeair:Royalty! SNAP OUT OF IT!
Nofeair:.....She isn't the Jo we knew back then and we have too respect that.....

We are blood (a boondocks fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon