Melk fic

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Moo! My name is choco boi and I've lived my whole life as a cow who is in love with my neighbor Mr. moo. I decided to tell them today and this is the story of how we fell in love. We used to graze the meadows each morning and watch the golden sunrise as the warm colors fade into a cool sky blue. Some days I wish I told them sooner. But even when they felt the same way about me they never showed me. We love the same type of flowers, dandelions obviously. We look very different though, I am a dark chocolate brown color and mr. moo is a beautiful pink like the color of cotton candy. We spend our days walking around and saying hi to the other animals. We love on a farm with  our favorite farmer ever, their name is Bug. It is very pretty, it's favorite color is pink and it is very nice to us. It comes and lets us each day for hours at a time and feeds us the best food. I wish Bug stopped by to say hi more though. But it's becoming and Bug has already said goodnight to us so we must get ready to go into our stable for the night and sleep so I will continue our story tomorrow. 

Part 2 coming soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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