chapter 12

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I heard knocking on the door and woke up quickly. I walked to the door rubbing my eyes and opened it. I saw... Theo?

"Hey, Max" He said, he looked sad? kind of.

"Hey does Pansy know you're here?" I said looking around for her

"No, I needed to tell you i'm sorry. I didn't know you had a thing for Pansy" He said

Oh god. this is embarrassing. was it not obvious though?

"Oh, Theo-" I started but he cut me off

"And i wanted to tell you i'm breaking up with Pansy" He said

Breaking up? they were together?

"Theo, Reall-"

"You don't have to try to make me change my mind, I'm going to do it now" He said and walked away.

Oh no. She was going to blame me. it was my fault. i should find her. later. after Theo talks to her. right?

I put on some leggings and a yellow hoodie since it was the weekend. This week went by really quick. I sat in my room thinking about what to do. I doubt Blaise was up. Draco was with Astoria. I didn't want to see Pansy.

I decided i wanted to go to the library and find some new books. I walked there and started looking at all the shelf's not really knowing where anything was.

"If you're looking for books about flowers, Their over there" Pansy's Boyfriend, Theodore said. Seeing him once a day is enough.

"Oh thank you" I said smiling

"I haven't properly introduced myself yet, Theodore Nott"

"Yeah, i know" i said focusing on the books

"Sorry for waking you up earlier. I just got back from talking to Pansy"

"You guys were dating..." I said keeping my focus on the books to show her i didn't care even though i did. a lot. 

"I guess so, We've been friends for a while but the other day, She kissed me and we started dating i guess" He said

kissed him?

"Right" I said

God i wanted to cry. So bad.

"So... You and Pansy" He said

"What about us" I said looking at him

"You guys like each other?" He asked

"No, I liked her and i thought- Actually you don't care sorry" I said looking back at the books

"Well if you want to tell me you're free to" He said sitting down on the table.

He was pretty attractive maybe the 3rd hottest Slytherin after Blaise and Draco of course.

"I thought she liked me back and than she ignored me and then me kiss- We made up and than she started dating you and- God i just don't know" i sat down next to him with my head in my hands and he looked at me


"For what"

"Messing everything with you guys up"

"oh god don't blame yourself, this is on Pansy. She cares about what everyone thinks so much. I just wish-" I stoped talking before i started crying "But it's no big deal" i said getting up and walking away

"Max" He said standing up "We could, Make her jealous"

"What?" i said

"Hear me out, We could pretend to date and make her jealous. Than she'll come crawling right back to you" He said

God this is crazy. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's smart. but i couldn't do it. it would be rude. But Pansy deserves it. Right?

"I don't know" I said

"Think about it" He said smiling "We'll have rules, of corse"

"I- Maybe" I said and walked away

I walked to my room and thought about the offer, It would be fun, but rude, but i could get back at Pansy, and there's rules. God i don't know. Than i dozed off.

In the morning i woke up and put on a yellow top and some sweat pants. I walked out to grab something for breakfast and saw Pansy sitting with Blaise and Draco. Pansy saw me and rolled her eyes. God she was being so rude and i didn't even do anything.

I grabbed a roll instead of grabbing a meal and tried to walk out of the great hall but Theodore stoped me.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked

"I just don't think-"

"before you say no look at how mad Pansy is just watching us talk" He said. I slowly looked at her and she looked furious.

"Maybe, We should" I said, Theodore smiled and grabbed my hand. He led me out of the Great Hall and to the library where we talked yesterday.

"Great. Rules" He said "Accio Paper" a piece of paper came to him and he grabbed a pencil from the spot next to him.

"No kissing"

"What? That will reck the whole thing"

"I'm not kissing you Theodore"

"We'll talk about it. Also don't call me Theodore. Think of nicknames"


"No, everyone calls me Theo, Something cute. Ted? Todor?" He suggested.

I giggled at the names because they were all ridiculous.

"Just call me Theodore. no one calls me that"He said

"Weren't you the one who wanted to change it?" I said

He shook his head and laughed

"Perfect. Ok, I'll whisper to you a lot, it will make Pansy think i'm saying sweet nothings or something. Also back to that kiss thing"

"Theo" I said

"Theodore. And this whole thing won't be believable if i can't kiss you. At least on the cheek for now"

"Fine but just the cheek"

All the things she said (Pansy Parkinson)Where stories live. Discover now