9. Golden Week: The Next Day

Start from the beginning

Their drill ended, but no one has yet to come. It was already 9 o'clock in the morning. Coach Orhime was getting irritated. Even more thanks to the pregnancy hormones. Kujo-sensei and the boys' VBC assistant coach came in as the three were on break.

"It's only Mori, Sakusa and Komori?"

"Where are the others?"

The assistant coaches flinches at Coach Orihime's anger. Their questions were answered and Coach Orihime immediately ordering them to get the others now.

"Coach Orihime is scary. Remind me not get on her bad side," Sakusa and [F/n] nodded in agreement with the taller libero's statement.

"Sakusa, Komori, Mori. Come here."

The three went to the coach and awaited for her instructions.

"It seems today, I'm going to give a little something for latecomers. Instead, you three are going to go a college near here and join in their practice. I'll call them while you guys walk there. Here is the address, take your things and go."

They did as they are told and went to the dorms to get their belongings. As they start to leave, they start hearing screams and yelling. This scared Komori and worried [F/n] a little. Sakusa gave some hand sanitizer to the shortest one and pulled her forward with his cousin quickly following out toward the school gate.

"This is the first time I've seen Sakusa hold someone's hand. I wonder why?" Komori observed out loud in a teasing tone.

"Shut up, Komori."

"Okay, okay."

[F/n] stayed quiet trying understand the germaphobe as she walks between the two to the college. Komori slowed down behind them to sneak in more pictures along the way. It was a calming walk toward the college.

~ ♪ ~

The three made it to the college they were told to go. One of the coaches was waiting at the entrance to greet them.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Montoya and Mori [F/n]?" The coach asked and they nodded in confirmation, "Nice to meet you. I heard from your coach. You'll be joining a our practice today. I'm excited to see you guys play. Come, let's have you meet the team."

They make their way to the gym and were told to warm up before being placed in the match. After that they were placed in a team. Both on opposing sides. Komori was on the other side with Sakusa and [F/n] on the other.

"Left, left!" Sakusa came up to two blockers and hits one of his nasty spin spikes. Earning a point for the their team.

"Nice serve!"

Sakusa's teammate serves the ball with a jump serve. This is received and is set to one of the players. The spike was blocked back and followed by Komori keeping the ball up. He quickly moved out of the way for the back row attack. That attack was received by [F/n] and later Sakusa spikes it down earning a point for their team.

"I never seen a libero move so quickly and efficiently on the court. He's aware of the back attack and moves out of the way ready to follow if there is a miss," one of the coaches complimented.

"That spiker is pretty good too. His control on the spikes is amazing. The spins adds a great leverage to be unable to receive it properly."

"The other libero is amazing. She popped out of no where receiving the attack very cleanly. I didn't even know she was even there. Itachiyama has pretty good players this year."

~ ♪ ~

Back at Itschiyama, the players were in literal hell. They were all woken up with water splashed on them and had toast for breakfast. Practice was 100 laps around the court of diving receives; 100 meters (.6 miles/109 yards) of running; pass drills where they had to get 100 successful passes, if they mess up they start over; 100 serves and a lot of jump drills. They were only half way through the day and there was still more.

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