Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: Travis, Sal, Phillip, Larry, Maple, Ashley, and Kenneth (father) belong to Steve Gabry and his game, Sally Face.

TW&CW: Internationalized homophobia, f-slur, self-degradation, neglect


It was a scent that crawled through the entirety of the house contently, calming Travis' already somewhat worked-up nerves while making his mouth water. A smell that he could almost taste, brushing every corner of his room and soaking the plaster that made up his walls while drenching the floorboards. It was a little burnt, of course, but it was still soothing, none-the-less, as it engulfed every little crack that made up the house. He had such a deep love for bacon; it always gave him such a good feeling, even if it was only being able to hear it crackle or smell it fry.

Though, if anyone was to ever asked why he loved it so much, he wouldn't be able to give a straight answer. Because maybe, maybe it was because it just tasted good. Maybe it was because Nastysia would make it for him whenever she could once she found out he liked it. Maybe it was because of what bacon came to symbolize in his house. It became a very good thing, a special thing, to have cooking. Father hated bacon, so it wasn't allowed to be cooking unless he wasn't there. And Mother often made it when she was in a good mood, so it came to mean both— never isolated— in his mind. Since it was never one without the other, it was special.

That was probably the most logical reason to explain why he loved it with such a deep passion, but he had liked it even before this. If he had to explain it, he would say that this phenomenon was probably the main reason bacon gave him a sense of hope. Every single time, without fail, he would practically beg whatever their was that, if he promised to be extra well behaved, she might give him a slice this time. Not a lot, not a full plate of food, just a slice. It could be the smallest she had, he didn't care.

For any type of normalcy between mother and son.

He knew that it was a lot to wish for, and it hadn't come true any of the previous times he had asked for it, but still. Maybe today would be different. Mother's mood when cooking in general was usually sweet, happy, and so maybe he had a chance. Of course though, he didn't want to press his luck. Mother wasn't obligated to do anything for him; he should be content if she even gave him a 'good morning. It had been nine years already, he knew better by now; Mother owed him nothing. At all. She had bought him into the world, that should have been done enough. Mother wasn't required to care, at all. He had to tell himself that again and again as he put in his contact lenses, not only today but everyday. Mother wasn't obligated to do anything, or feel anything for that matter, for him.

Travis hadn't eaten bacon in a couple of months; excluding the school bacon, and that probably was fake or something so it really didn't count. Phillip hasn't wanted Travis over because Natstysia and Alan both had been doing worse. Some sort of stress, most likely. Plus, he hadn't eaten anything Mother made in a long time.

Thinking about it, he hadn't eaten with her properly since he was around... seven? Maybe eight? And even then, Auntie had made it. She often cooked for the whole family when she lived here with them, and took care of Travis a lot of that time. Mother mostly worked, and Father just did whatever it was that Father did around then. That was before she left, of course. Nobody seemed to know why, not even Father. It wasn't like Mother talked to him much after she left for a reason only her and the lord knew. Even the occasional goodnight kisses he would get, or the hugs she gave him when he was hurt by Father, all of that ceased.

His little child brain had pieced together that she had grown tired of him, considering that she took care of him all of the time she was here. He had never thought to later question that decision, it made sense to him. He wasn't exactly the most fun person to be around, and he knew that he could be extremely annoying. That being said, he wouldn't be exactly surprised if that was the reason she left.

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