✨Facility + Grim x (Timid Fem) Reader✨

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You were always shy, you grew up like that, but what made it worse was when you suddenly ended up in Twisted Wonderland in an all boys school but luckily for you you had amazing teachers to help you.

Dire Crowley
Okay when you first showed up with no documentation of identification he just couldn't let you out, you were so innocent, you wouldn't be able make it in this world alone.
He told you to come to his office if you needed anything.
He knew of your timid nature from day one plus being the only girl in an all boys school is most likely to make someone uncomfortable in this situation alone.
When he notices any unwanted attention you get he'll immediately step in and dismiss the students.
He'll walk you to his office and you'll have a nice lunch.
And most certainly let you talk to him about anything after all he wants you to view him as a father while you are in Twisted Wonderland.

Divus Crewel
Oh when he noticed you he was shocked, a female in an all boys school. You were sitting in his class and then boys started surrounding you and then noticed you were having a panic attack.
He immediately walked over to your desk and took you outside to breathe then going back inside and gave everyone detention(?)
Now every time you went to his class he allowed you extra time as he could see you were struggling with the subject a little.
He knew you were soft spoken as well and never called you a puppy or anything like that but called you names like dear or sweet one and often comforted you.
He always mad sure to keep an eye out for those boys but I'm sure if they all knew not to mess with you after all he treated you like a daughter.

Mozus Trein
Oh boy for some reason everyone were jealous you didn't get scolded by him, oh he knew something wasn't (his grandfather senses kicked in😂) okay so he'll honestly walk up to you and ask if everything is okay.
He'll give you extra lessons if you needed them and did scold you at all.
He didn't want to make you feel anymore insecure by scolding you.
He even let's you pet Lucius because the cat seems to like you.
He knows you're gentle so he'll allow you to take a walk with the cat if you feel stressed.
Everyone is jealous because he allows you to do that.
He wants you to look at him and see a caretaker not just a teacher because he truly cares for you.

Ashton Vargas
This guy didn't know you were cowardly and insecure he just saw you as unwilling to do activities like Idia. But he didn't push you he just worked with you little be little, and eventually noticed you were insecure.
He'll try to work with you do boast up your confidence.
He isn't letting you do to much hard work until you are used to it.
Eventually he noticed you warmed up to some students and helped them with any injuries and he noticed you were extremely gentle.
So to keep your marks up he'll push you gently to help with injuries.
Everyone noticed you weren't getting pushed by Vargas to do extreme things and someone complained.
He made that guy do a hour plank and 200 push ups and no one talked about his daughter (you) ever again.

He immediately took notice of how scared you easily got when you entered his shop and he said "IN STOCK NOW" loudly you winced a little then well started crying.
From that day he'll allow you to come to his shop every day and let you take any snack you wanted as he talked to you.
He said you can talk to him about everything, school work, social media and even boys, he didn't mind as long as it mad you happy.
If he found out someone was bullying you, oh boi I'm sure they'll be paid a visit by his friends.
People thought you two were dating but when he allowed you to call him big brother everyone was like, oh poop I was wrong now I owe someone money.
No one bothered you and Sam made sure of it because he didn't want his little sister feeling scared.

Oh boy he felt so guilty after he scared you when you first met him. He was gonna roast a sweet baby like you alive.
Eventually you two became close friends and helped each other Grim always looking out for you if anyone tried to take advantage of your kindness.
If you're having a panic attack he'll let you pet him
If anyone bullies you he'll roast them alive.
No need to worry about him stealing your food he'll give you his if he had to.
After a long stressful day he'll curl up to you and let you pet him until you fall asleep.
You were some he loved like a little/older sister or owner(?) he can't let anyone hurt you.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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