‘I will speak to you how I like!’ I glared at him ‘Harry is my friend and he loves me more than you ever will!’ I stood up to leave but dad grabbed my arm

‘Sit down’ he ordered


He slapped me across the face and the force of it sent me sprawling onto the concrete floor, I banged my head as I landed and blinked up at him feeling dazed, confused and very upset. Tears leaked from my eyes as I shakily stood back up. ‘Lilly…’ he reached out for me but I backed away from him toward the door ‘Lilly, I’m sorry…’ he trailed off as I reached the door. I took one look at his anguished face before wrenching the door open and running back through the school and up to Gryffindor Tower…he had never hit me before…my heart plummeted…I was right, he doesn’t love me.

‘Lilly?’ Harry took one look at my face as I burst through the portrait hole and instantly knew that something was wrong…not that the tears and the red hand mark on my face gave anything a way…‘Lil, what’s wrong?’

I shook my head and ran up the staircase and into the dorm.

Severus Snape sat behind his desk with his head in his hands ‘what did I do’ he mumbled as he clenched his fists ‘dammit!’ He punched the table and stood up to pace the office.

How could he have done such a thing?

He had never laid a finger on the girl before now…what the hell was he thinking?

‘She is going to hate me now’ he thought aloud as his eyes watered, he could not stand the thought of it…he could not stand the thought of his own child hating him…but she wasn’t his, not really

‘Severus, it is very nice of you to come and visit’ Lucius Malfoy lead Severus through his large manor and up into the nursery where Narcissa was sitting in a rocking chair holding a bundle of white blankets

‘I thought you said…twins’ Snape looked around, he only saw one crib, one changing table and one child

Narcissa looked at her husband ‘it was a still birth’ she muttered ‘a little girl…’

Snape frowned ‘and this is…’

‘A boy’ Lucius said proudly as he claimed the bundle that was his son from his wife ‘meet Draco, he at least was strong enough to survive’

‘Yes’ Snape peered into the blankets and saw a rather ugly looking baby and reeled back ‘yes’ he repeated ‘strong’…and ugly

‘I need to speak with you Severus’ Narcissa looked pointedly at him and then at Lucius who nodded once and left with the child

Lilliana Snape (Harry Potter Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя