Pt: 2, Chapter 5

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Narrator: Meredith and Andrew are at work after there fun getaway a couple weeks ago they stop and talk to each other in the halls
Andrew: hey!
Meredith: hey :)
Andrew: How are you
Meredith: I'm good, been busy recently we need to have another night off
Andrew: yeah we do are you busy tonight
Meredith: No 😏
Andrew: what you say we finish up tonight with our work and u get Amelia and Maggie to watch the kids tonight?
Meredith: That actually sounds really nice I'm sure they will I'll talk them and get back to you!
Deluca: alright sounds good! I'll see u later I'll be in the lounge *smiles*
Meredith: okay bye! *smiles*
Narrator: Meredith and Andrew get back to work and later that day Meredith catches up with Amelia and Maggie
( later that day )
Amelia: Meredith!
Meredith: Amelia! Maggie! how's your day going?
Maggie: it's going good how about yours
Meredith: uhh good.. but I had to ask you guys a question
( Maggie and Amelia look at eachother knowing what she's about to ask )
Meredith: can you guys watch the kids tonight for me I wanna spend some time with Andrew
Maggie and Amelia: yes mer ofc you go have fun we got it from here *smiles*
Meredith: thank you
Narrator: Meredith gets done with work meets Andrew in the lounge
Andrew: hey, so can they baby sit?
Meredith: hey! yes they actually said yes
Andrew: okay great how bout a movie night we get some pizza watch a movie and take it from there * dirty looks *
Meredith: that actually sounds really great *happy*
Andrew: alright well let's head out and pick up some snacks and pizza for tonight
Meredith:alright I have to stop by the house to pick up some clothes and go see my kids
Andrew: okay I'll pick up the stuff and come get you
Meredith: sounds great!
Narrator: Meredith heads home with Amelia and Maggie she goes home and spends a little time with her kids talks with her sisters and gets her outfit Andrew picks up the stuff for movie night and gets to her house to pick her up.

Merluca one day alone Where stories live. Discover now