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The year was 2003 and sam was in a convo heading towards Baghdad. Ever since the crew had volunteered they had been anxious for battle but when they entered the war torn city of Baghdad the excitement turned into fear. Ak rounds opened in burst as the gang was among the foward units. They were shocked to find the squads to there left and right had failed there objective. They soon realized they weren't gonna make it out of this one unscaved. Sam Puckett a private in the us army alongside the crew awaited the first attack,for they new they're ammunition was wrong low and so were there rations. The first attack came a whole 8 hours later in the pitch of darkness gunfire consumed the street inwhich suppressing fire rendered them pinned to. Although the fighting was fierce then deffenders held off and killed 47 iraqi soldiers the following morning they heard reports of advancing American flying columns. Sam took the initiative and told the rest of the crew "I myself am ordering a break out over my dead body." She at this point out of ammunition took out her sock put some butter and rocks in it and said charge. Myself, Freddy and Carly made it out and took to the columns, however an Enraged Sam charged the Iraqis head on. Adrenaline filled she killed 3 injured 7 and put on in a coma but despite her best efforts she took a bullet to the heart and collasped. In her last dying act she had saved us all. When people ask what's Gibby thinking about i think about her and the others who have fallen. I feel humbled surving alongside Sam and that is what Gibby is thinking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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