4 February 2015

52 2 0

Scared for the unknown.

Curious for new adventures.

Seeking for a meaning.

Running for an ending.

Happy to have you.

Scared to lose you.

Trying to find words to describe life. Million words to use, none of them can explain how I see the world.

Everyday i see pain, their eyes filled with it, their skin, their voice, every muscle filled with it.

Hiding, covering it up, denying it all. Trying to survive the day even tho theyre falling apart piece by piece, day by day.

When i see such pain in the world, it is hard not to follow that spiral.

Some people find happines in the smallest things, I would love to be the reason to make someone smile. Even if it would be for a second.

It would mean that person was happy because of me, for that single second i would be the reason that someone would forget about their pain.

Our life does not begin with once upon a time and ends with happily ever after.

I want a life where i can enjoy the small things, love every moment life gives me.

That is what i want.

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