#Harry Imagine

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I hope you guys like these imagines .. this shit is a lot of work. These imagines are made for those who request, so request away. Inbox, PM, or post on my message board the following:

Name: Age: Setting: Events: Dirty or Clean: Boy:

Enjoy these imagines, it takes time and patience.. two of which I don't have!


 Once upon a time, in the cold, quaint streets of London sparkled with a sheet of snow blanketing the streets. In one of the red-bricked apartments on the street of Peterborough, a festive covered Christmas tree was placed near the window. Christmas lights hung from the walls, The delightful smell of gingerbread spread across the apartment, A blonde-haired girl shuffled her feet along the tile. Joyful Christmas music filled the air, it's sound bring joy to the teenage girls face. She grabs her phone, her long fingernail press against the number, dialing her boyfriend.

I place the cold screen against my ear, the ringing continuing. "Hello?" The voice whispered on the other end.

"Babe, where are you?!" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows together. I rub my forehead, starting to pace.

"I'm on my way, I'll be there soon, love." He replies, coughing into the phone. I sigh.

"Well hurry Mr. Styles, my parents are on their way." I press the 'end call' button and set down my phone. I take off my apron, stuffing it into a random cabinet. The doorbell rings, as I go to answer. The door slides open, the figure of my mother and father before me.

"Honey!," my mother screams out, bringing me into a tight hug, "We've missed you!" She says, grasping her hands tightly on my arms. She lets go as my father smiles. He pulls out his hand. I frown, grasping his hand, shaking it tightly. I let go, sliding my hand down my pants. What a prick.

I guide them to the living room, my mother bringing in a truckload of gifts behind her. "Mum, you didn't have to." I blurted, helping her push the rest near the tree.

"Where's Harry!" She sang, looking around the room, as if he was hidden somewhere.

"On his way." I reply, walking down the corridor and into the guest room. I take out 10 bags, one for each of the boys, mum and dad, Harry and my brother, his wife and sister. A knock rang from the door, as I slide my snowman socks across the floor to get it. I twist open the door, revealing my brother with his wife. I give them a tight hug, smiling, revealing my teeth.

"Hello Shelby, love." Violet mumbles, handing my presents to put under the tree. I race to the tree, storing them next to the others. A smaller figure trails after them.  smile.

"Elizabeth!" I yell, grabbing her closer to me. I bring their bags in, moving them to the 2 guest bedrooms. We settle around the fireplace, as I grab mugs of hot cocoa.We sip deliberately catching up on new things. I look at the time.

"8:37." It read. I place my cup on a coaster, I grab my phone and walk to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I ring Harry, going straight to his voicemail. It was useless to leave one, since he never listens to them. I sigh, standing up. Everyone was picking at the presents, bringing theirs to their seats, opening them, studying the items in them. I grab my cocoa and watch everyone's eyes look at their presents in amusement, smiles filling the room. I clean up the bags and boxes, placing them into the trash. Violet hands me an envelope, her wide smile beautiful.

"It's from everyone." Her British accent chirps, as I look at the blue envelope, coated with small white snowflakes. I rip open the package, a card nicely placed inside. I read the card, it's words smoothed me.

"Christmas time is here, time to spread some cheer, with family friends and more, the smiles to adore.'

I open it, two long pieces of paper fall out. i bend down to pick it up, examining the text.I cover my mouth, surprised at what was written.

"You go me tickets to Paris?" I say, my eyes beginning to water. Everyone smiled, as I start to giggle.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say, jumping up and down in joy. I hug everyone, smiling, tears of happiness trailed down my cheek.

"You're going to need it too." Jack said, winking in the process. I eye him questionably, setting down the tickets at the breakfast bar. I look at the clock once again.

"10:56." It read. Everyone slowly made their way to bed, as I stayed to clean up after. I lace the mugs into the sink, filling them each with water. I grab a pillow and blanket, making a small bed on the couch. I switch off the lights in the kitchen and living room, the multicolored lights on the Christmas tree the only source of light. My eyes drooped, as I shift into a more comfortable sleeping position. I fall into a slumber, thinking of why Harry didn't show up.

"Shelby." A voice whispered, lightly shaking my small figure."Five more minutes." I moan, shifting to the other side.

"It's me." The voice whispered once again. I furrow my eyebrows,sitting up. I rub them lightly. "Santa/" I question. A light chuckle left their lips. "Harry."

I open my eyes, looking at the tall, curly-haired figure, kneeling beside me. I cross my arms across my chest, eying the clock. "2:16." The hands showed, as I looked at Harry.

"Babe, it's okay," I say, placing my icy hand on his cheek, "you're only eight hours late." I smile falsely, letting go of his smooth complexion.  I stand up, heading to the bedroom. Harry grabs my arm, making my jump back. I turn around, crossing my arms once again. I give him a 'what do you want, I'm mad at you' face, as he gets down on one knee. I drop my hands, my hear beginning to pound. He pulls out a silver box.

"You know how when penguins find their mate they stay together forever..," He continues, "Will you be my penguin?"

I cover my hands over my gaping my mouth, a tears hit my cheeks. I nod, as he stands up, holding my tightly in his arms. i let my hands free, grabbing his head, forcing his lips against mine. He rocks me back and forth. The silence was ruined by my mother, clapping her hands weeping.

"you go kiddo!" She screams, waving her fists into the air. i giggle, looking into Harry's green eyes. He smiles at my, hid dimples deep, as mine were also. I place my head against his chest, as he cradles me closer, rocking my back and forth.


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