What Is/Was DC?

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   If you're just stumbling upon this with no idea what the app known as Doodle Club even was, or if you were new to DC when it shut down, not experiencing it as it was was, then I should probably give a brief explanation as to what this Wattpad story is about.

  Back in 2012 (I believe), an app called Doodle Club was released into the AppStores after the successful run of its predecessor—Zoo Club. Zoo Club had been a huge hit and the owner of the app, DCH, decided to try something new.

  In Zoo Club there was a drawing area that looked and functioned exactly like the canvas/drawing screen of DC. And since players liked creating doodles, and DCH himself wanted to focus on the project/artistic aspect of things, he eventually made Doodle Club.

  At first it was just that: a canvas area with some tools and brushes to draw on. Within that same year DCH opened up the well known and loved social area. This was when there wasn't many places for artists to make and share things. DeviantArt may have existed, but this was really it. And since DC was supposed to be for a much younger audience it became loved by kids and took off relatively quickly.

  Things changed occasionally within DC itself. Clubs, chats, collaborations, jobs, and more were added and expanded over the years. Incredibly talented young artists earned quite a following on DC, and were beloved by many that saw their works.

  But of course with the good there's going to be some bad. DC had little to no security. It was super easy to hack. This became a thorn in DCH's side. He resented hackers, closed chat on several occasions, and sometimes took drastic measures.

  While I personally think a lot of these problems should have been dealt with differently, it never really mattered. Players themselves didn't have the best relationship with the creator either. It was a bit sad to see.

  DC was open and ran until April of 2019, when DCH closed it for two weeks, after he decided he had had enough. It reopened not long later, but things were never the same. Many artists and creators left. I, myself, didn't get back into my project making groove after the first shutdown.

  DC remained open until a few weeks ago. At the end of December, beginning of January, DC closed and has remained this way since. A majority of the players scattered to other places like: Discord, Instagram, Wattpad, PopJam, and more. Those that were there on DC will remember it well. It was a part of our childhood. Even with the downs I enjoyed my time there very much.

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