Chapter 5 - Aurora

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He laughs again and shakes his head, "no... no they don't, I usually ask for my drinks extra hot." He tells me.

"Oh my! What? That makes my mouth hurt just thinking about it!" I giggled, shaking my head at the thought.

"Ah maybe it's a talent? Can eat or drink any temperature food or drink without burning my mouth... I'll put that on my CV." He jokes.

"Oh definitely do! That's a very desirable skill. It takes me ages to drink a hot drink... I wait until it's practically cold." I laugh.

"Oh no, that's gross... they're meant to be drunk hot, not lukewarm or cold..."

"So says you..."

"Indeed, says me..." he chuckles and takes another long drink.

I don't stay much longer after that, I do not want to outstay my welcome, I finish my tea and we chat a bit more before I tell him I'll have to go, it's already kind of dark, I don't want to be driving back any later than this, especially with work in the morning.

"Well thank you Aurora, I mean that. I'm so grateful that you have up your time for me. And really sorry for dragging you here, you really were the only person I knew here, I'm so glad you never changed your number."

I smile at that, nodding my head "yeah, I'm glad too... it's been nice, and I've got to see my favourite place, it's been no bother at all." I tell him.

"Well good, that makes me feel a bit better." He says, "maybe I'll see you again? While I'm here?"

"Yeah... yeah maybe. You could text me if you like? If you need anything...

He nods and smiles, he's standing at the front door now, I'm just making my way down the front steps, back towards my car.

"Drive safe, and thank you, again." He says sweetly.

I unlock my car and nodded, "have a good night Harry." I say as I climb in, he watches me drive away before he closes the door, I honestly feel like I might be dreaming, surely this isn't real life.

When I get home my phone pings with a text message, literally just as I get through the door.

'Thank you again, I'm honestly so grateful. I hope I didn't take too much away from your night. Love H x'

I smile to myself as I read it, I pocket my phone, I'll reply when I get myself sorted. I leave my shoes at the front door before I go inside.

"You're home late..." my mum says from her spot on the sofa, the cafe long closed, her day over.

"I went to Newcastle after work." I tell her, watching her give me a questioning look, "it's a long story..." I add.

"I'd like to hear this long story..." she tells me.

"It's well... it's honestly a bit, out there... do you remember when Harry Styles ended up stuck here years ago?"

She looks at me me with a little bit of confusion.

"Well... he took my number, and I guess I haven't changed my number in a lot of years, because he called me earlier from the airport. I don't know what's going on with him, he didn't seem...great. He wanted to hire a car but he's drank on the flight, so he asked if I could pick him up..."

"Wait he was drunk? What did he want from you?"

I shake my head, "no, he wasn't really drunk, but you could tell he'd had a few, he just seemed... sad. He wanted someone where quiet to stay for a while, out of the spotlight I assume."

"Okay... so you took him to Newcastle?"

"Yeah... I told him a few nice places that I liked, he found a nice place there..." I told her, "so I drove him down. I know how it sounds."

"Bonkers?" My mum laughs, her laughter making me join in.

"Yes, completely. But I apparently was the only person in Belfast that he knew, and my number worked, so... here we are."

"Here we are indeed, will you see him again?" She asks me.

"I honestly don't know, he's just text to thank me again, he's a really nice guy, I think there's more to him wanting to come here and hideout somewhere random, but that's not my business. He has my number if he needs anything else..." I shrug.

She nods, "maybe he just needs a break from that life of his, I can imagine it gets full on." She muses.

"I can imagine too, maybe that's it." I nod.

I send him a quick and simple reply to his text when I go to my room to change, putting on my pyjamas to hopefully get an early night, I just tell him that it wasn't a problem, and it didn't take anything away from my night, I tell him to have a lovely stay and then I put my phone away and snuggle down on my reading chair with a good book.

I go to bed later that night and think about my day, and how unbelievable it really was, not that I would tell anyone about what happened, I would never betray his privacy like that, but they wouldn't believe me anyway.

I check my phone before I go to sleep, he's replied, asking if I'd want to come back at the weekend and go on a hike with him, my head immediately screams YES, because that sounds like such a perfect weekend, but then I think maybe he's still a bit buzzed from alcohol, I don't know why he'd want me hanging around honestly.

'This weekend sounds good, if you're definitely up for that! I only work until ten on Saturdays so I could come down after? Let me know....' I reply, if he changes his mind, so be it. Tomorrow is Friday, my last full day of work, we'll see if he sobers up probably and regrets asking.

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