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                                  F/N: friends name
                                  Y/N: your name

I walked in class just like any other normal school day, I look around and noticed him *Hisoka* I had to admit he was very handsome but also very creepy, and secretive.
I noticed that he would always stare at me there would be days when Hisoka would not even show up at school or he would just get up and randomly leave no one would ever question it.
There were many rumors in school saying that Hisoka and some other students were in the mafia which personally I don't believe, but just in case I don't go near him.
                                      *after class*
F/N: "Hey did you see.. your boyfriend was watching you"
Y/N: "For the last time he's not my boyfriend!!" I said as I rolled my eyes.
F/N: "Oh come on don't get mad I'm just joking"
Y/N: "Yeah..whatever"
F/N: "Anyways...are you walking with me today?"
Y/N: "Sorryy I can't I have a stupid retake I have to do"
F/N: "Oh no..oh well byee"
Y/N: "Yeah byee"
I say as I stressfully walk to my retake exam
                                  *after the exam*
"Ugh, that was so stressful" I said. As I walked to the gate, I get there and I see Hisoka standing by, so I chose to ignore and walk by as fast as I could
"y/n" said Hisoka as I walked out, I ignored and continued to walk
H: "Hey! don't ignore me." he says as he turned me around by pulling my arm.
Y/N: "What the hell! don't touch me." I say as I pull myself out of his hands. "What do you want Hisoka." I say rolling my eyes.
H: "Dont. roll. your. eyes. at. me. he says while starring at me.
                        *silence truck for a minute*
H: "be careful y/n..You know a pretty girl like you..all alone on the streets lots of stuff can happen"
                                     *he smirks*
                            *you take a step back*
Y/N: "Fuck off weirdo!"
                             *Hisoka chuckles*
You then turn around and walk away, a few steps than you decide to turn around but he was gone. You were almost home, walking quickly with a headache.
Just a few steps from the door someone puts a rag against your mouth and nose.

(396 words)
( please don't think you guys are in middle school or smn like that. 😭)

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