
115 11 21

tw body shaming, slight scene of abuse

i finished up with my last class of the day and began to head back to my dorm. i was doing just fine until i saw mikey walk towards me. i sped up my walking and was about to pass him until he grabbed my arm. 

"heya pips," mikey smiled, "chloe invited us to go out with her and her friends for lunch today. wanna go?"

i turned to face him and glared, "no thank you. i'm good."

mikey frowned, "you're going whether you want to or not. do i make myself clear?"

i was about to protest until i felt him tightening his grip on my arm. i winced slightly in pain and looked up at him with a fake smile.

"alright, what time?" i asked in fake interest.

mikey smirked, "i'll pick you up at 4. you better be ready."

i nodded and he let go of my arm. he walked off as i walked toward the dorm rooms. once i opened up the door to my room, i closed it and slid down the door. i put my hands up to my face and cried quietly. i hated all of this that was happening. i want it to stop but i'm too scared to speak up again. i want to tell my parents but i don't want them to be upset. i sighed and dried my tears. i got up and walked to my room. i picked out some clothes from my closet which was just a black long sleeve shirt and some black shorts. i kept my adidas on and worked on my makeup. mikey tends to hate when i don't wear any. i also had to cover up the scars on my face. i planned on fixing the ones on the rest of my body later because it was close to the time mikey was going to pick me up. i walked out the bathroom and sat on my bed. i had my little purse with me and put my necessities in there then i felt my phone vibrated. i looked at the notification to see mikey texted me.


hey. you ready or not?

hello to you too

phillipa, don't make me hurt you again

sorry. i'm ready

good. you better look presentable too. anyways, i'm outside the dormitory. hurry the hell up too because i don't wanna keep them waiting

i'll be there

i sighed and put the phone in my purse. i don't know what caused him to become how he is now but i hate it. i walked out my dorm room and walked down to the foyer. i looked through the glass door the see mikey standing, texting on his phone. i walked outside and he looked over at me. he frowned once he saw what i was wearing.

"i said look presentable, not a slut." mikey groaned.

"i'm sorry. i could go change if that's what you want." i said.

mikey shook his head, "no. we already wasted enough time. let's hurry up and go."

he grabbed my arm tightly like before and dragged me along with him down the street. we walked for several minutes until we reached a restaurant. it wasn't a fancy one though. it was a basic looking one. mikey opened the door and dragged me in. i saw chloe and her gang sitting at a table. she waved us over and i saw mikey smile. we walked over and mikey sat me right in front of chloe. chloe gave me a fake smile.

"hey pips, i thought you weren't going to join us, to be honest." chloe spoke.

"i didn't even want to come." i mumbled.

apparently, mikey heard that and kicked my leg harshly under the table. i winced in pain but keep my head down. a waiter came up to the table to ask if everyone was ready to eat. everyone said their order. i was the last one to be asked.

"and what would you like?" the waiter asked me.

"just a burger and fries please." i told her.

"and would you like anything to drink with that?" she asked.

"just a water." i told her.

"who the hell comes to a restaurant and orders water?" i heard chloe mumble.

i looked down as the waiter walked away. when she left, everyone started to talk to each other. mikey hasn't even spared me a word since we got here. he's only been talking to chloe. i didn't feel jealous or anything but it made me feel like i wasn't enough for him. after quite some time, the waiter came with our food. she handed me mine and i was surprised at the size of the burger. it wasn't too big or too small. she left and we all started to eat. i was doing good just eating my fries until the bitch, chloe, talked.

"don't you think that a bit too much, pippa?" she asked.

i looked up her and saw her fake smile, "what do you mean?"

chloe shrugged, "i mean you're kinda already big already and that seems like too much for you to be eating."

"she does eat like the pig she is." lydia, chloe's best friend, added.

mikey nodded, agreeing with them. i looked at him in shock and slumped back in my chair. 

"next time we go out, order a salad." chloe smiled.

"why does it matter to you what i eat?" i asked her in a furious tone.

"just looking out for you, babe. that's all." chloe shrugged, "when we go out again, i wanna make sure you eat right."

i stood up abruptly from the table and took a deep breath, "i think i had enough. i'm leaving. have a nice meal, bitch."

i grabbed my purse and walked out the restaurant. i felt some eyes on me as i left but i didn't care. i was about to walk back to the dorms until i felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around. i saw mikey with a angered expression on his face. i was about to say something until i felt him slap me across my face.

"what the hell was that?" he asked.

"i didn't want to continue that meal if they were gonna body shame me, mikey!" i yelled at him, "you didn't even defend me! you agreed with them!"

i felt another sharp pain across my cheek. i grabbed it and looked at him in shock. he gave me one last look until he turned around and walked back into the restaurant. i sighed and walked back to the dorms. i got to mine, unlocked the door and walked into my room. i changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. i turned off the light and turned on my side. after a few minutes passed, i began to cry. i still felt the lingering pain on my cheek and the rest of my body. i didn't even feel like putting any medicine on them anyways. i cried for a few more minutes until my eyelids began to get heavy.

1,157 [not including a/n] 

so we can all agree mikey ain't the one for pips right?

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