57. Real Story 7

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When I was 9 or 10 I had a Halloween b-day party and my friends and I were playing with a Ouija board, one of those parker bros. games bought from Target.
The entire time we played with it, asking it questions and everything, I was subtly moving the marker to answer the questions, trying to freak my friends out. They must have assumed that I was moving it because we were just laughing and nobody took it seriously. When we were finished, we all stood up and started walking out of the room. One of us turned back to face the board and said ‘Goodbye’ to it, giggling like little kids do, and the marker moved completely on it’s own, at least six inches, to cover the word 'Goodbye’ on the board.

We all saw it, including my mom and her fiancee who were in the room with us. None of us even screamed. We just sat there in stunned silence. After a few seconds my mom went over and kicked over the marker with her toe and nothing else happened. My mom and her fiancee were genuinely concerned and looked the board over.

Still today, this is the only thing I’ve experienced that I can’t imagine how to explain logically. I thought maybe my mom or her fiancee had a string, but it moved in the opposite direction from where they were standing. There was no fan on in the room, and none of us felt any sort of gust. The marker is made of plastic and cannot be affected by magnets. Hell, we didn’t even live in an area subject to earthquakes or tectonic movement, so that has to be ruled out, too.

My mom considered moving out of the house, but we never did and nothing like that ever happened again. We all still talk about it today (with the two friends I’m still in contact with, anyway), and we all agree that it must have been some supernatural event that we can’t explain. Any ideas?

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