"Brett, please don't get mad."


"Yes Brett, I gathered that.."

Eddy sat sulking, he appeared way smaller than Brett.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your nose clean ?! Did you even understand what that meant !?"

"YES, I did, you meant no scandals, right? I get it and I messed up, I'm really sorry."

"Ok, so, please tell me what happened. And don't lie to me now."

"Remember the day before yesterday, you couldn't give me a lift to practice because you were busy?"

"Oh, Coach Eddy, you don't have to catch public transport, that would take ages ! I'll give you a lift there."

"Oh no I can't get you to do that, it's going to take about an hour to get there."

"Oh I don't' mind, it's all for my son's coach! It would be my pleasure."

"...So, what happened after that?"

"I thought she was going to just drop me off but instead she stayed to watch the entire 2 hours training then she drove me home."

"...That's it?"

"... and then she kissed me before I got out of the car."

"She kissed you or you kissed her?"

"I swear Brett, it was her kissing me, like I wouldn't even know how, it was my first time..!"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

Eddy blushed.

"So you didn't kiss her back?"

"No !! I don't even think I know how to do that."

"Never mind. But Eddy, you can't do that, I mean, just being on the receiving end is a no-no."

"But I wasn't expecting it..!"

"Which is why you don't risk getting into a car alone with someone like that !!!!!"

"What do you mean like that, like what ??? She's a mum. I could never get romantically interested in someone who's a mum.."

"How old are those kids ? Four ? Five ? Some of those mums could be as young as... I dunno 25? 26? 27 ?  Eddy, you're 19, well within their shooting range."

"What do you mean by shooting range?'

"OMG Eddy, do I have to spell it out for ya? It means they would find you f*ckable! They would find you attractive and be happy to jump into bed with you!"

Brett regretted the words as soon as they left his lips. He looked at Eddy. He was sitting back in his chair, in shock.

"...Eddy, please tell me that this woman was at least a single mum."

"I think she said she was separated."

Brett groaned.

"What ? Brett, why ?"

"Because that means she can still be legally married."

"Oh sh*t."

"Yes, sh*t. She could have just been on a rebound."

"A rebound?"

"Yes, a rebound. And it could put you in danger with a jealous husband or boyfriend if they found out."

"Oh f*ck."

"Moreover, you could end up hurting the kid you're teaching, for adding further complications to his family."

Eddy's face went pale.
"Oh no, no... I didn't know.."

"No, you didn't. So, for future reference, you do not mess around with people who are married or separated or any other status that you don't quite understand. Soccer mums are completely out of bounds. You're still just a kid."

Eddy shot up a glance at Brett.

"Hey, I resent that...!"

"What do you expect, Eddy ? Don't go do grown-up stuff if you're still a child!!"

Eddy glared at Brett.

"Eddy, I'm your agent. I am actually worried about you. I've got your well-being as first priority.

"Well, you don't really sound like it. This feels like you're just roasting me."

"OMFG, Eddy !! Eddy, listen to me. It's about your reputation. If you were going out with someone single and you guys were just being a silly cute couple, that would've been fine. I mean, it doesn't even have to be a girlfriend...

Eddy stood up from his chair so quickly, the chair fell backwards with the crash.

"I'm not gay!"

His outburst took Brett by complete surprise. He was expecting Eddy to lash out sometime or another but was not expecting him to blow up at that moment. Brett got up from his chair and approached Eddy.

Eddy stood still, towered over Brett, fuming.

"Eddy... I'm just trying to get that chair for you.  Look, I don't give a rats arse whether you are or not. It's about choosing the right people to do stuff with.  Like the old saying, don't shit where ya eat, y'know? A coach and soccer mum is so cliché, it's gross."

"...I didn't know she'd kiss me, okay? I wouldn't have gotten into her car if I anticipated any of that."

Eddy face palmed himself and groaned. Brett fixed up the chair and placed his hand on Eddy's shoulder, leading him to sit down again.

"...okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you. So what happened after the kiss?"

"I pulled away and thanked her for the lift and I got out of the car without making any eye contact."


Eddy looked up.

"Look, I promise I won't do it again. Heck, I promise I won't even talk to her again."

"That's the tricky bit Eddy, you can't do that."

"Why not ?"

"Cos her child is your student. What are you going to do? Ignore the little kid too?"

"Oh.. oh no..."

"So you have to act as if nothing happened, okay? You remain as a polite and friendly coach who suffered from amnesia and had completely forgotten about what happened in this woman's car. She might try to remind you, you just have to pretend you've forgotten. And don't ever accept rides from strangers again !!

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