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I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with water a few times and dried it i heard knocks at my door they got rough i walked quietly to open it and i opened it up to uncover a jaden hossler he pushed me back and closed the door and locked it then he grabbed roughly and kissed me i pushed him and screamed help me then he slapped me and pushed me on the bed then he started getting handsy he put his hands in my hoodie and i just layed bawling my eyes out trying to scream he then lifted my hoodie exposing my chest he slid the whole thing off and started sucking on my neck he uncovered my mouth and i screamed help me for the last time and i herd knocks then thumps until the door busted down they all came in jaden was off of me already i couldn't move i just layed there mia came in and covered me up some one carried me out into Thomas and mia's room and put me on the bed they left me in there with the girls mia gave me a shirt and helped me put it on

Uhgggg idk what to writee

adopted by anthony and avaniOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz