Once I got off the bus, I walked into my house and finished my project on my own, I remembered to do it for once, so that's good.
Kiibo texted me about a hour after I got home.
'Are you coming over Taro?'
I like that nickname, it's cute keebs.
'Oh yeah I'll come over.'
'Am I spending the night, keebs?'
'Uhh sure! I don't live with parents so I don't really care.'
Ah yes, he's a robot, can't forget that.
'What about that professor guy?'
'He lives with his family, my house is paid off by him. He makes a lot, you should be a professor!'
'Haha no, but I'm gonna get my bags ready so like, clean your house ig'
'Not that means I guess'
I stuffed my phone, my phone charger, some clothes, and other random things into my backpack, and grabbed my keys and drove to Kiibos.
I could drive to school but too much of a hassle.

I made a turn and got on Kiibos street, this is it.
This is Kiibos house, I've been here before, why am I so panicked?
What if I say too much? What if I get too comfortable? I should panic, Kiibo wouldn't care if I liked him, right?

I closed my car door and knocked Kiibos door, don't mess it up, Taro, don't say too much, don't forget he's a robot, he doesn't feel.
Kiibo opened the door and made me jump a little bit, this isn't a haunted house, right?
"Oh, Taro! Come on in!"
I smiled and took off my shoes and sat them on the shoe rack.
"We're gonna have so much fun! We're gonna make dinner, make friendship bracelets, color, and so much more!"
"Even play with toys?"
Aww you're so adorable Kiibo, I stared at him and smiled then realized I'm being creepy and looked behind him, to the kitchen.
"woah I forgot how big your kitchen is."
"Thanks! I make food here!"
I snickered and opened the pantry to look at what snacks he might have, just curious, he doesn't need to eat y'know, he's a robot, but he could I guess?
I felt a hand rest down on my shoulder, I jumped a little bit that time, too.
"Oh taro! I forgot to say! Idabashi and Miu gave me a upgrade where I can eat! I don't need to but it's nice!"
"Do you eat often keebs?"
"No, but it's fun having snacks!"
I felt something in my pocket buzz, I opened my phone and got a email by a girl in one of my classes.
I forgot I agreed to study with her.
'Hey Amami! Are you coming to my house or am I going to yours? Also here's my number to make it easier to talk to you!'
I texted her telling I'm so sorry I can't make it, but I'll try to come on Monday.
She replied with a 'no worries! I'll have girl time then!'
"Is that the girl with the blue hair?"
"I don't know, I guess I agreed to it focused on something else..."
"There's this girl with blue hair that likes you a lot, like a lot lot."
"I don't like her- i mean like like her, so I hope she doesn't try to kiss me or something."
"Yeah, anyways wanna see my room?"
"Uh sure!"
I closed the pantry and followed Kiibo upstairs to his room.
"You have a lot of empty rooms."
"I have two! One will be a guest bedroom, and the other one..... I don't know."
I could move in, or is that weird.
Wait do I need to sleep in the guest bedroom? Wait why am I scared of that, I shouldn't be worried over that.
"Where am I sleeping?"
"We can share my bed but if that's uncomfortable for you, I understand you can sleep on my comfy couch!"
"Oh cool"
He has a king sized bed, why does he have one? But hey, we get to sleep in the same bed.

Kiibo showed me his room and jumped down on his bed, and I followed.
I rested my hands on my stomach and smilied, I'm at kiibos house.
We stared at the ceiling for a little bit, giggling for no reason, I was giggling at the thought at being at kiibos house, I don't know why he was giggling.
"Do you think im a popular kid at school, keebs?"
"Ummm, a lot of people have crushes on you."
"How do you know?"
"They suck at hiding it."
I turned over and rested my head on my palm.
"Do you like me keebs?"
Is it clear that that's a joke.
"Yes! You're my best friend!"
He didn't take it the way I do.
"Oh did you mean as in crushes? ... Then I-"
"Where are your friendship bracelet thingies?"
I don't wanna know if you do or not.
"They're in a drawer in my desk!"
"Oh I'll go grab them."
I got up and opened the drawer and grabbed the beads and string, also grabbing scissors.
I sat back down on kiibos bed, opening the bead cases and cutting string while Kiibo got up.
"Wanna make friendship bracelets again?" Kiibo asked, what else would we make?
"Which type? The one with the beads, or the stringy ones?"
"Ummm up to you"
"I wanna make the bead ones"
"Oh okay, Taro!"
Me and Kiibo made our bracelets, and they quoted money money money by abba! Kiibos said "money money money" and mine said "so funny in a rich mans world".
They are a little big but they're special, atleast.

✰there are flowers, in my heart✰حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن