7. One Practice Day...

Start from the beginning

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Practice was unfortunately pure chaos. Not what the liberos, Miura or the coach expected. Not only there were animosity between the teams (from the previous scrimmages they had with each other); the players had trouble syncing with each other or communicating. Each of the members kept going for the ball without hearing their teammates. Even scoring turned into bumper cars in the air.

This caused a lot of inner arguments between the groups. The liberos ended up having to try to mitigate the problems at hand for every team. The worst cases were between the captains or the aces. Poor Komori and [F/n] has deal with these crossfires while playing. By the end, both liberos were both mentally and physically exhausted.

"You'd think... everyone would... get along from... all the chatting after practices..., but nope. It turned... into the Sengoku era... version 2," Komori panted and [F/n] nodded in agreement panting along side him unable to speak. "Having to deal... with the captains... in one team...is scary... I don't want to... do it again..."

The head coach called them together one last time. He allowed the liberos to rest on bench and not be part of the meeting.

"You guys are really ruthless to each other on the court, haha," this caused the mood to die immediately. He continued saying, "In the future, you are not going to work with people you like. Most likely people you tolerate. If you are to continue to play pro, it's that same thing. Your liberos were trying to get you all to work together despite being in different teams every round. They can't be captains by rules so you have to learn to cooperate with each other. We will do this again in the future, so review what you did wrong and fix it. That is all!"

"Thank you for practice!"

Everyone went to clean up the gym while the liberos were still exhausted on the benches. The others watch their liberos still unable to move as they moved to clean.

"Now I feel bad," Otake said as she move one of the poles with Iizuna, "They had deal with all of us at each other's throats. This not good especially us, third-years."

"Same here. I showed a very bad side today," Iizuna agreed and then sighed, "I still have much more to learn."

Otake agreed and continued to help cleaning up. The liberos were finally able to move after catching their breathes. They then move to the club room as the teams already started to leave for home.

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Sakusa was waiting for his cousin and [F/n] to get their belongings together. Mostly for [F/n]. The little libero was out first. Still in her stinky clothes and volleyball in her arms.

"Nice practice, Sakusa-senpai," [F/n] nodded to him as she went by.

"Mori." She stopped and turned toward Sakusa calling for her. "Do you have time right now?"

She thought for a minute, I finished my packet early so I think I'm fine if I go to sleep right after showering.

"Yes, I do," she replied, making Sakusa happy.

"Would you like to try bubble tea?" He asked.

"Bubble tea?"

"It's a tea-based drink with tapioca pearls." This made her more confused and very curious. She nodded yes agreeing to go get this bubble tea with him. Sakusa liked the look on her face. Despite her neutral expression, her eyes had a childish curiosity in them.

Sakusa began walking ahead. [F/n] didn't follow and asked, "what about Komori-senpai?"

"He can get it on his own time. Let's go." She was wondered why, but didn't question his answer. She followed him toward their destination for bubble tea.

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They were walking side by side. [F/n] was at a distance from Sakusa as the walked. This made him a bit sad. He wanted to be closer to her.

"Why are you so far away?" He asked.

"Because you don't like germs...?" This made her confused why he would ask, when she was keeping him away from her sweat.

"You're fine."

"I didn't change. Right now I'm a walking germ."

"But your not a germ."

"Yes, I am."

"No, your not," he rebuttals, "I'm comfortable with you like Komori, so you can be close."

"But I smell."

"It's fine. Komori smells, too." She was unsure how to react. She decides to move closer to him at his request, but only a step closer. He still didn't like it. Sakusa closed it completely, making their arms slightly brush each other.

[F/n] was a bit uncomfortable. She never this close in proximity to anyone for this long. She looked down and not up during their walk to the bubble tea shop. Her cheeks were slightly tinged on her poker face. Sakusa peeked over to see her reaction and thought she was cute blushing. He turned his attention back to the streets with a small smile under his mask.

~ ♪ ~

They arrived at the shop for the bubble tea. It was small with stool and bar seating around the perimeter. The shop was very casual and quiet full of plants. This made [F/n] feel at home.

The two went in the shop, Sakusa went to order the drink while [F/n] immediately went to look at the plants. The order was made and he took the drink to her.

"Mori." She turned to him and found him holding one drink. "Only one?"

"I don't want any," he handed her the drink. [F/n] placed her ball on the table and took the drink.

"What flavor is it?" She asked examining the drink.

"Milk tea. It's a classic flavor." She took a sip of the bubble tea. She was surprised with the jelly in the drink as she chewed.

"How is it?" He asked.

She finished her first sip/bite and said, "I think this will make me full without eating dinner."


"I like it. Thank you, Sakusa-senpai," she continued to enjoy her meal, taking her time to digest it. She was not use to having more than one meal, so she was very slow.

She's a slow eater now that I'm watch her, he thought as he watched her enjoy the drink. It made him full just from watching.

~ ♪ ~

Meanwhile from afar, Komori was following the duo and sneaking in pictures here and there. He noticed after changing, they went ahead and decided to spy on them. Sakusa nor [F/n] didn't seem to notice as the taller libero sneaks pic of them. Maybe I use this to blackmail or to motivate Sakusa. Thank you [F/n].

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