Chapter 1

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 Legolas stepped across the log, the blue waters of a raging river beneath his feet. He held out his arms to steady himself, but still wobbled slightly as he looked down at the log- the bark was splintering, and it seemed as if it may break. He looked back over his shoudler, and saw Strider doing the exact thing he was. He stared at Legolas as if to say "Keep moving, I don't want to fall off". Back on the other side of the log was Gimli, who was about to get on- Legolas feared if Gimli joined them on the log, it would break, sweeping them away.
 Aragorn nodded, and Legolas turned looked back ahead. He stepped forward carefully, left foot first, then the right, the log creaking with each step as Aragorn continued behind him. Legolas got to the very edge of the log and hopped off, landing gracefully and turning around. Aragorn quickly stepped across the old log and jumped down next to him, turning to see Gimli start on the log and walk across- not as gracefully...
Aragorn turned to face the two. Drawing his sword and fingering the hilt, he spoke to the elf and dwarf. "We are far from camp. We need to find the wood and leaves, and then go back straightaway to start the fire by nightfall. We cannot tarry."
 Legolas nodded, and looked around. Gimli spoke next, eyeing the trees. "The wood on the ground is wet an' won't start up on fire fast enough. But there are plenty of ash trees over there." Gimli pointed to a thick expanse of trees with pointed little leaves, many on a single branch. They loomed over and shaded the forest floor from the beating sun.
 Legolas felt uneasy- yes, ash trees had very fine bark that burned well, and for a while too... but Gimli simply did not understand. Legolas was an elf- precsisley a WOOD elf. He did not appreciate others harming trees, or cutting their limbs. Killing a tree was like committing suicide for elves.
 "Gimli," Legolas said, looking around at the trees. "Do you think maybe we could find some wood that is already on the ground, and dry as well? Or maybe some ash branches that have already fallen?"
 Gimli seemed momentarily puzzled. "Why'd you wan' a do that?" Gimli asked. "It's not like the trees have feel-"
 Before he could finish, Aragorn had nudged Gimli with his elbow. Gimli looked up confused, as Aragorn sent him a silent message about the tie between the elves and the woods.
 Gimli caught on, and realized his mistake. "That's a good idea, Legolas. We should find some already fallen branches."
 Aragorn smiled, and ran over to the cluster of ash trees. Legolas followed, reaching the trees before Strider, as Gimli ran behind, at the fastest he could go-which was not much.
Legolas kneeled at the roots of the trees, and looked around. There were many trees, and many twigs- but there wasn't a lot of logs. Strider was crawling around, trying to find some, but he had no luck either....
 Aragorn jumped to his feet, and held out his sword, as if he was ready to strike. "Do you hear that?" Aragorn asked.
 Legolas looked around, and did hear something. The leaves were crackling, and the branches were moved by some unknown force to the three hunters.
 Legolas looked up. He sensed the sound, and where it was, but did not know what it was. It sounded like a being, not an animal, and it was too graceful to be from an orc. But Legolas still notched an arrow, and pointed towards the tree where the noise was coming from.
 "Who are you? Reveal yourself!" Legolas cried to the tree, keeping his bow raised. Aragorn stood beside him, sword ready, and on his other side was Gimli, who faced the tree with a look of fury as his axe was raised high in the air.
The leaves in the tree shifted. There was a thud, an on the ground was a girl, crouched, and ready to strike.

Serenity and Bravery Book 1- A Legolas FanficWhere stories live. Discover now