6. Getting to Know Each Other

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"I do. I have it with me," Komori handed Sakusa's belongs to her, "I think this will be enough for the germaphobic weasel."

[F/n] thanked Komori and left to get food before returning back to the teachers' room. Makino and Goda were still confused.

"Ko-kun, what she talking about? Germaphobic weasel? Also why did you give [F/n]-chan Saku-kun's stuff?" Makino asked.

"You didn't pick it up? And I thought you know him better than I did," Komori teased making Makino glare at him, "Shut up, Ko-kun."

"Oh! Sakusa," Goda said finally understand, "She was talking about Sakusa."

"Correct," Komori nodded confirming her answer.

"Oh, now I get it!" Makino exclaimed.

"Your really an idiot, Kino-chan," teasing her again.

"I said shut up, Ko-kun." They continued to argue as if they were 5 years old with Goda trying to tame the duo. In the back of Makino's mind, she was slightly envious of [F/n] for spending time with Sakusa.

~ ♪ ~

[F/n] made her way back to the teachers' room with Sakusa's belongings and her lunch. Today's lunch is curry buns with milk. Sakusa was sitting on at her desk waiting for her.

"I brought your stuff back, Sakusa-senpai," she gave his stuff back and was about to sit on the table where her belongings was. Until Sakusa stopped her and disinfected the spot; returning to his seat to disinfect his belongings. However, [F/n] sat at the spot next to where Sakusa disinfected making him slightly disappointed.

"Thank you, Sakusa-senpai," taking her seat on the table and ate her food.

"Thank you," Sakusa said.

"It's not a problem."

They sat in silence. [F/n] was comfortably eating, but Sakusa was a bit on edge. He never been alone with her so he was a bit awkward. It was usually Komori keeping the mood light and fun between the three.

"How long have you been playing volleyball," he asked taking a bite of his food.

"I think around 5, I was introduced with it. I learned how to receive on my own and then properly learned how to play on the court around 7. How 'bout you?" [F/n] asked, finishing her first curry bun.

"Komori introduced it to me and I've been hooked on it ever since. I think it was when we were in elementary school. Komori showed me since most of my family were busy."

"I see," she thought to herself, Not every family is perfect. I never really had one so I can't attest to anything.

"What about your family?"

"Like you, they weren't there when I grew up," vaguely lying that she doesn't have any.

"What is your favorite ball to play with?"

"Molten. You?" She replied.


"Might be cliché, but favorite color?" [F/n] asked finishing her second bun and began drinking her milk.


"Mine's green."

"Favorite season?" He asked and then took another bite of food.

"Spring. I like seeing the trees bloom green. You?"

"I like summer. Less germs."

"Sounds like you," she gently smiling. This made Sakusa smile a little.

"Favorite food?" Sakusa asked.

"If I had to choose... any kind of sweet breads. What about you?," she replied and now finished with her milk.



"When's your birthday?"

"Christmas Day," [F/n] replied simply looking at her shoes.

"Mine's March 20th." Sakusa took note to remember.

"Favorite movie."

"Don't have one. I've never seen one."

"I'll show you some of my favorites one day."

"Okay" [F/n] passively said. She didn't believe he would take her out. She was a germ after all.

Sakusa then asked, "What kind of music are you into?"

"Classical...? I don't know. I don't know any singers or songs. My home has no electronic devices," [F/n] said. Unless you count the radios in the crushed cars, but they only play sports games not music.

Sakusa just stared at her is awe. To find she was this far removed society was something out of storybook like Tarzan or the Jungle Book.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Volleyball and reading in the library. That basically all I do in my spare time. Sometimes wandering but that's it."

"That must be a simple life."

"I guess...," [F/n] quietly swings her legs. It takes time to get use to. Especially when you can't eat.

Sakusa took a piece of his food and holds in front of her mouth.


"Why?" She asked. Sakusa shrugs saying just cause.

"It will be infected by my saliva. I don't think you want that."

"Just eat it," insisting that it was fine.


"Eat, Mori."

"If you say so, but only this one time," she ate the food as ordered and returned back to silence. Satisfied he went back to eating; after cleaning her germs off the chopsticks. This time the silence was a comfortable one as lunch time went by.

Forest GermTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon