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"Are you serious?" Candice asked again, still eyeing Red's visiting card.

"Yup, that guy just handed me his card out of nowhere. Now, I can at least get his writer friend to shoot an episode with us." Silver walked back and forth, biting her nails in nervousness.

Tracy wanted the details of the remaining two artists with the signed agreement in two days. Silver reached home late at night. She thought calling Red Clifton late at night would be too awkward. She wanted the morning to arrive quickly so that she could talk to him and meet his friend.

"Red Clifton, now that's a nice name, don't you think, Silver?" Candice scrolled through her Facebook page. "What does he look like? I bet he is gorgeous."

"Just because his name his Red that doesn't makes him gorgeous."

"Then how does he look?"

Silver stared her feet. "I didn't know. I didn't get a good look at his face. I was too busy trying to talk to that old man."

Candice read the name once again and began typing it on her laptop. She clicked, hoping to get a hint about who Red Clifton really was. "Hey, have a look at it, Silver." she called.

Silver stopped and went rushing towards Candice. Leaning forward, she adjust her eyes to the increased brightness of the screen. "Found something? I hope he is not some kind of criminal or something."

"You are in luck because he isn't. His full name is Red T Clifton. I wonder what T stands for. He must be something nice."

"Moving forward now, please."

Candice scrolled down and opened a link. It was a website by the name of Red Clifton. The website was filled with his interviews, videos, quotes. There was five videos with the title  'Book reading sessions.' Other videos titled 'Book Signing' and 'Tips' were also there.

"Oh my God! How can you forget to tell me that he is a published author, too?" Candice asked, opening one of the videos.

"He didn't tell me. I thought he was just an agent. He doesn't looks like a writer, you know. He is- is ordinary."

"Yeah, sure. You will call him ordinary, but he isn't," Candice smiled on watching the pictures of him. "And, he is gorgeous. He is like 6 feet tall, and those little brown eyes."

Silver was busy in reading articles on the website. Something didn't feel right. She wondered why the guy didn't tell her the truth. He mentioned​ his writer friend but why didn't he mention about him being a writer. If she knew that earlier, she would have been relieved sooner. She had to get two people on the show and now she had them.

"Hey, do you see that? He has dimples, too. Can you please take me with you the next time you meet him?" Candice crossed her fingers.

"It's late. You should sleep now. You have to submit that report online, remember?"

Candice's​ face turned sad as she remembered about her work commitment. "Yeah, I have to get up at 7 in the morning. I'll sleep now." she got up, pulling the chair back with her. "What about you?"

"I have some work to do."

"Okay, good night. Happy stalking." Candice smiled.

"I'm not gonna stalk him."

"Yeah, sure."

Silver waited for her to go up to her room. After hearing Candice closing the door of her bedroom, she began checking the website carefully. Red Clifton was an author of the popular two part book series, The Sun. She remembered Dave mentioning the name of the book a few times. Dave recommended her the book, he even landed the first part to her, but she never got the time to actually read it.

The Horrific Tale of Silver ✖Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora