Ben x darius

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It's the day arriving at Jurassic world and six kids are campers in Jurassic's newest program camp Cretaceous Dave just rallied up the five kids Darius Brooklynn Sammy yasmina and Ben Kenji being late and selfish they drive through the thick green jungle in the ride Ben kept looking at Darius quite funny not a hateful look more of a day dream look but Darius thought that it was normal for Ben and they arrived at the camp site they kids all rushed up to claim a bunk but Darius was looking at the baby compy  and Ben ran over to somewhat excited
Ben: come on Darius let's claim our bunks
Darius : ok Ben
Darius holds bens arm and starts to run Ben struggling to run but still holding his legs up they finally arrive the campers bed room Yasmina and Sammy sharing a bunk Kenji and Brooklynn sharing
Yasmina: you two slow coaches  can have those bunks they walked over to the bunk beds and took their spots and the co councillors called them over to one of the towers being connected and there was something waiting for them
Roxy: round up round up time for the zip line
Ben scurried away so did Kenji but Darius and Sammy has the most excited expressions on their face they literally jumped on the zip lines and zipped down Yasmina and Brooklyn zipped down as well Kenji pushed Ben when he got on the zip line and went screaming down there was a bit of a drop when the zip line stopped Ben was dangling there scared out of his mind Darius kept telling him that it was safe and that he Mite want to get down cause Kenji was zooming down when he got the belt of Kenji bashed into him making him fall onto the floor but Darius caught him just in time and Ben did not let go   And wrapped his legs around his waste absolutely terrified whimpering Darius gentle stood him back up and stormed over to Kenji
Darius: why did you do that
Kenji: do what
Darius:you knocked him of the zip line he could've been hurt and your like " do what"
Kenji: quiet junior you think I'm intimidated by you  you little shrimp roxy and Dave jumped of the zip line Dave kind off falling  and roxy landing like a bad ass
Roxy: all right campers time to go back to camp
Kenji: this isn't over.

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