The New Girl: Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"I liked the pink outfit you had on." Cody told her. 

"You know if you join you can get you own." Sasha said. 

"Join?" Cody asked. 

"That's why you watch us, isn't it? You want to dance?" Sasha asked. 

Cody looked at the school curiously. 

"But there is no boys is there?" Cody asked. 

"Not yet. But they didn't have any good dancers until I joined either." A young Sasha joked. 

Cody let out a big smile at her confidence. 

"You should come to the next class." Sasha said. 

"I don't think my aunt and uncle would like that very much." Cody told her. 

"What about your parents?" Sasha asked. 

Cody froze for a moment before looking down in disappointment. 

"They would have liked it.. My dad especially." Cody said with an unfortunate look on his face. 

Sasha couldn't help but be a little confused. That's when Cody saw his aunt and uncle walk out across the street. 

"I have to go." Cody told her. 

Sasha watched Cody hurry to his aunt and uncle as they gathered into a black Cadillac.

Present Day

Alexa and Kenny were sitting in the waiting area of the police station while Kathleen and August spoke to a few officers. 

"This is insane." Alexa said as she looked around in disbelief. 

Kenny shook his leg anxiously without saying a word. 

"Do you think she did it?" Kenny accidentally asked. 

Alexa looked over at him in shock. 

"You're not serious are you?" Kenny asked. 

That's when Dean and Kota rushed into the police station. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Dean asked.

Kenny looked up and immediately made eye contact with Kota. 

"She's being questioned right now." Alexa told them. 

Kota gave Kenny a sympathetic look, knowing that he was having a hard time.

"I need some air." Kenny said as he got up and walked away, passing by Kota on his way out. 

Kota looked back with concern for a moment before he and Dean took a seat across from Alexa. 

"Just so we're straight on all of this, there is absolutely no way that she did this right? She doesn't even know this girl." Dean asked. 

"Well.." Alexa began to say. 

"You're kidding." Kota said in disbelief. 

"Apparently she knows her frm her old Orphanage back in Ireland. They may have had a thing, I don't know." Alexa told thmem. 

"A thing?" Dean asked. 

"Like a sexual thing, Ambrose." Kota helped him out. 

Dean looked oer at Kota and raised an eyebrow.

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