High School Students💅

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Turns out Im watching black butler cause I got bored of fruit basket I couldn't finish episode 1😻

Okok basically this is a kind of chapter where I write what type of students my men would be in high school 👀

Ash Lynx
He's the nerd but not The Nerd (u know what I mean). He's the smart guy who doesn't even care about school, he just gets good grades without studying (literally me but ok💃). He's also pretty popular and all of the girls like him 😏

Shorter Wong
He's that student he doesn't care about school either and gets bad grades. You know those cool kids🥶😈 who hang out instead of going to class and smoke.. He's THAT guy (he's a respectful man though so he doesn't smoke ) . Let's not forget the fact that he's friends with literally everyone and whenever Ash gets complimented by a girl he goes from 😈🤑👹☠️ to 😘💅😆🐦👻. Ooo also, when it happens to have homework ready for it to be handed in he NEVER gives it to ANYONE.

Eiji Okumura
HE'S THE TECAHERS' FAVORITE HE'S SO QUIET AND ADORABLE ALWAYS TRYING HIS BEST AND HELPING OTHERS DNBDJDJDNE. Now most of you would be like "hey wouldn't he get bullied"? Shorter and Ash PROTECT him that's why everyone's afraid to pick on him and that makes teachers concerned sometimes too.

Pretty much like Shorter, they're like... Best friends. Sing is really popular and liked by many girls as well but he's young so that's why he's not that important to the others.. He always studies but he's not that great at school. We'll just call him an ordinary student.

Yut Lung
He tries so hard to look cool in front of girls or his friends but always fails. He's probably the nerd cause he has noone to hang or whatever so the only chance he had left was to be good at school. I'm sure he thinks that the floss is still popular

He's a teacher obviously. I think that he would either teach literature or history (maybe both). He's not harsh but he's not the kindest teacher ever. He will gladly help eny student who needs help and always says that he likes each and every one of his students.

{c h r o l l o 💅}

Author came back after getting a 12 and a 13 out of 20 at school 😩
Ik y'all must be MAD jealous

Author came back after getting a 12 and a 13 out of 20 at school 😩Ik y'all must be MAD jealous

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P. S. He's talking about me
Lmao OK BYE 🏃‍♀️

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