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Amelie was sat in the kitchen waiting for someone to wake up. She couldn't sleep. She hadn't been able since Cedric Diggory's death. She knew he was going to die and tried to avoid it, she tried to keep him alive. Dumbledore knew too, but seeing Amelie is the only one with her ability to see the future, she can't play with time. She can't see everything of the future. It's like with the Centaurs, they can predict the future trough the stars, but they can't know details.

Normally normal human beings can't have this ability. But originally this ability was gifted to the centaurs by Nyx. And now natuarally passed to Amelie. Funnily enough even though Nyx was not evil, Zeus was scared of her. Amelie had read this in a muggle book about the greek gods.

Suddenly she heard footsteps come downstairs and looked to see who it was and saw none other than Fred Weasley.

But Amelie didn't care, she needed to go out of this house. She is the only one of all the children that got to participate in the order and their business. And it was only because she knew things the others didn't. And it was getting a bit hard on her. She had told Sirius that she was going to begin going to work again. 

She didn't really need the money so she had arranged to do it for free. Ofcourse the owner of the pub didn't question her again after making sure she wasn't joking. She was friends with the owner so he didn't even think it was weird she wanted to work without getting anything seeing as Amelie likes to sing anyways.

"Why aren't you sleeping?", Fred voice suddenly called.

"I was waiting for someone to wake up. I had just decided I would go back to work tonight but seeing no one was up I thought they might get worried or in your case, think I might have run to the death eaters to snitch or something",Amelie said and Fred glared at her at the last part but then looked away.

"You could have just left a note"

"Yeah but still it's better to tell someone they could have still get worried", she said.

After sitting there in an awkward silence and staring at each other Amelie stood up.

"Okay ummmm, bye I don't know when I will come back I don't even know if I want to go to work or to just sit there. If you want to know I'm in the biggest but closest pub in a couple of streets away"

Fred looked like he wanted to say something so Amelie looked at him and suddenly he blurted out:"Can I come with you?"

"Ummm I mean I will wake George up and then we can go together. Even though I hate you it's not good for a girl to walk down the streets of London this late at night an-",he rambled on but Amelie cut him off.

"Yeah wake George up and I'll write a note I don't think that if we were with three they would worry as much. I'll wait for you guys at the door, oh and there is a guitar in a corner in my room  will you bring it with you? thanks.", she said without waiting on a reply and began writing a note.

Fred walked up the stairs, not wanting to apparate to wake someone up. And a few moments later Fred came down with George both of them in their day clothes and George looking absolutely tired.

"Where are we going?", George asked on their way to the pub.

Amelie looked at Fred and then at George. Why didn't he tell him?

"We are going to my work place, your dear brother suggested.", she said a bit mockingly at the last part.

You can call it...bring the only people your age that are currently living in your house to work day"

George laughed a little but when he looked at Fred with a weird look on his face, that Amelie couldn't identify, Fred looked away.

They walked for a bitt and Amelie was deep in thought. Maybe she can make everything good again between her and Fred tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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