Here's to love

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A/N: Here it is! Another one. That was really fun to write and I tried to incorporate some of your suggestions in there. Oh, and btw... Next chapter we have the start of the wedding. I'm excited!

July 28th, 2023

Sam and Emily had decided they wouldn't be doing the usual bachelor/bachelorette individual parties. Not because they couldn't stay away from each other for a whole night — no, that wasn't it —, but, since all their friends had decided to stick around in Lima for the week leading to the wedding to offer some help for the soon-to-be-wed couple, they thought just reunited the whole gang again would be a much funner experience anyway.

So, there they were, out for a karaoke night as they all sat together in a huge booth, eating, drinking and laughing.

Before the party even started, Quinn had gone to the bar to tell everyone not to give anything alcoholic to Emily. Not only that, since she didn't want anyone to suspect anything just yet, the blonde had gotten the bartenders to create some things with water or juice that looked like cocktails so no one would ask any questions.

At least, not in regard to why Emily wasn't drinking, because questions were actually the only thing being thrown around in the group as they all reminisced on the good times they spent together.

"Best New Direction memory, go!" Santana called, pointing at Artie across the booth.

"I think winning Nationals. It was one of the best feelings I've ever gotten." He said, and a hum of agreement was heard across the group. "And so overdue, too."

"Well, we could have won Nationals the year before if Berry here hadn't decided to blow it for us all." Emily teased as Rachel rolled her eyes, throwing a pillow at her.

"I already apologized." She said, as everyone laughed. "A thousand times before."

"Well, even if it wasn't for it... You wouldn't have won anyway." Jesse smirked confidently from his place beside his wife as Santana scoffed.

"What are you on about, Jackass? Your little show choir didn't win either." She pointed out as they glared at each other.

"Okay... Let's try not to kill each other while here because I don't want to have to bail anyone out of jail tonight." Emily interrupted, leaning forward across the table to stop the two of them. "Unique? Favorite memory? Cause, I mean... We all know you preferred New Directions over Vocal Adrenaline."

"I feel attacked." Jesse said, as Emily smirked at him.

"Good." She said, turning back to her friend.

"I don't know... I really like competing, don't get me wrong..." Unique said, as everyone laughed. "I just feel like I enjoyed our classes together more. I mean... You guys made me feel included and accepted all the time. Especially you, Em. I know you bailed out from playing Rizzo in the school's musical so they would give me the part."

"That's insane." Emily shook her head with a smile as Unique laughed.

"No, it's the truth." She corrected. "And honestly... Those few days I thought I was going to be playing Rizzo... It was literally the best few days of my life."

"You would've killed it, though." Emily smiled.

"Yeah, but There are worse things I could do was made for you." Unique shrugged. "You sounded so pretty."

"Thanks." Emily blushed a bit, leaning back against the booth as she scooted closer to Sam as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Unique's right, though." Marley spoke up, from her place beside her best friend. "I think the bonds we've made in that choir room are the best part of the club. I mean... I've never thought my best friends going into adulthood would still be the same since high school."

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