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They can't just lie to me. Tell me that my best friend isn't real. Like some twisted made up joke. It made me sick on how adamant everyone around me really was on trying to play some sick joke on me, as if I'd ever believe it. I'm not stupid. I know what's real and what's not. I'm aware on how reality works. They all can't keep lying to me, they need to stop lying to me. All everyone does is lie. Lie lie lie.

Except him. He doesn't. He never has. He is the only true person I've ever had in my life. When everyone when else lied, he was the beacon of truth. My only true friend clearly. It's not like I c- "Are you thinking too much?" Mark asked and I look up from my hard gaze on the floor, meeting his eyes. "What?" I ask, snapping out of it. "Thinking about how everyone lies to you?" Mark asks and I nodded, because it was true. I thought about it too much.

"Why does everyone lie? Why can't they see you?" I ask, and he gave a pitiful smile as he scooted closer, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "They just can't see the truth yet. But we can make the truth clear to them. Show them I'm real." Mark says and I frowned. How could I show them when they claim not to be able to see him? Everyone says that he isn't visible. Not real. That I made him up. But I know that isn't true. It's just not possible. "But no one can see you apparently." I state, speaking my mind and Mark laughed.

"Yeah but maybe there's a way you know? Like, you can see me. So I'm real. We just have to find a way for others to be able to see me too. We will show them, together. Right?" Mark asks and I nod, looking to meet his gaze again. "We will." I say while nodding and I hear my front door open. "He's home." Mark states and I sigh. "Do you have to go?" I ask, grabbing his hand and he nods. "I hate hearing that I'm not real, I hate how everyone talks about me." Mark says while standing up, and I follow, pulling him into a hug.

"Come back soon please?" I ask and I feel him nod. "Yeah. Tell  Jack I said hi. Even though he won't believe it." Mark mumbles, and I nod. "Bye." I say, watching as he climbs out the window. I wish he could just never leave. I really think Mark's the only reason I'm happy anymore. It's sad but true. If everyone weren't such liars maybe than I'd be happy all the time. But that just isn't the case sadly.

The door opens and I turn, watching as Sean walks in. "Whatcha doin Eth?" He asks and I look at the window and back at him. "Mark said hi. He left though." I say and his face dropped. "Ethan.." He trails off and I sigh. "I know. I know how you feel, I'm just telling you what he wanted me to tell you. That's it." I say and he forced a smile, though I knew it wasn't genuine. He tried at least."I'm gonna make dinner. You should rest." He says, and leaves my room, closing the door behind him. I sighed.

Sean and I were roomates, we grew up together, and when we both turned 18 he thought it was best that I don't live by myself because of me "seeing things". I agreed only because I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. Plus, we were buddies so I really didn't mind it all that much. I just hate his reasoning behind it. Kinda made me feel like he saw me as helpless or something all because he can't see the truth. Which isn't fair honestly.

I went to the bathroom, and when I came back into my room, Mark was sitting on my bed waiting for me. "You're back?" I ask excitedly and he offered a smile. "Gonna join you guys for dinner." Mark says and I walk over, sitting besides him. That's a first. He usually hates being around anyone in my life. Simply because of what they say. He had every right.

"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah. I hate not being around you. I know you feel the same." Mark says and I nod, excited. "Okay! It'll be good." I say and he nods again. It was not good. Sean wasn't too pleased when I made a second plate for Mark, and placed it at the chair next to mine. "Ethan.. please.." Sean trails off and I look at Mark and then at him. "He wants to have dinner with us." I state and Sean just sighed but nodded. "Very well, okay. Welcome Mark.." He says, but he sounded uncomfortable doing so. Like a parent trying to be welcoming to their child having an imaginary friend or something. It hurt to mnow that's actually how he looked at me.

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