
Are you going to the pureblood ball tonight? If so please persuade Reggie to leave grimmauld place, he's sixteen soon and I'm scared what will happen for him.

Also James wants to know if you want to come around one day over the holidays with Toby and Luke? Let me know.

See you soon Al
Siri xx

"Another boy!" Wolf cheered

"No it's Sirius so he doesn't count. Wants to try and persuade Reggie to leave Grimmauld Place. He's scared for him," she explained

"It's not your place to get involved Cece," Oberon said seriously

She had never heard that tone come from Oberon before. He had always been more light hearted and jokey, he liked taking the risk but this was serious and she knew that by the look the other brothers had on their face too.

She had wondered why Sirius was so concerned about Reggie, maybe Ally was a bit naive when it came to the seriousness of the situation outside of Hogwarts and being in Hufflepuff she hadn't heard anything about Dark Wizards in the common room. Maybe she was slightly sheltered and that was fine to her but she definitely wanted to know about what was going on so she didn't look completely clueless.

She knew that Reggie was prejudiced, that she wasn't blind too but he had always been around Toby and Luke and never actually called them anything but then again, he could have been playing a part in front of them.

"Sweets, you need to breathe," atlas said wrapping an arm around her

"Do you think Reggie could be in trouble? We must help him if he is," she said

Caspian shook his head, he had known more about the situation than any of the brothers and he had known that regulus was too far gone but would never admit to it. He had tried, he had tried so hard to get regulus to see sense, offered him refuge and a safe haven with the Montague's but regulus wasn't brave. He was terrified to go against his parents and to leave Grimmauld Place and Caspian understood but he wanted to protect Regulus with his entire being.  He just didn't think it would be possible anymore if Regulus wasn't willing to.

Ally just frowned and looked at the time.

"I need to get ready, Obey go to work. Are you lot coming tonight or is it just Caspy, dad and I?" She asked

"I'd never turn down a ball," Wolf grinned walking out of the room kissing Ally's forehead

"I'm coming, my tie matches your dress AllyCat. Right be ready within the hour," Atlas said as he walked out

Oberon apparated directly from her room which left Ally and Caspian on the room. She looked at him with a sad smile, like they could read each other's thoughts. They had both wanted to find a way to help regulus tonight. They had to make a plan and so they did. While Ally got ready Caspian stayed and they discussed numerous ways they could get him to agree to leave Grimmauld place.

They both knew that it could go terribly wrong, they discussed all the possible outcomes when Caspian was charming Ally's hair into lose curls and placing glamour charms on her face. He placed a diamond encrusted clip in the back of her hair as he pulled it back and smiled widely at his masterpiece. Obviously, it wasn't what was important but he was chuffed.

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