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its been two days since that store incident happened

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its been two days since that store incident happened. they havent talked or waved to eachother in fact y/n would run away whenever they would meet or she would just ignore him

todoroki on the other side would try to talk to her but he knew she'll just reject whatever he's gonna tell him.

it was already night time everyone was about to go to sleep and everyone said goodnight to eachother.

"good night y/n !!" uraraka waved to her as she went in her room. y/n deeply sighed since it has been a long day and she was exhausted.

suddenly she got a notif from her phone. she plopped to her bed and checked who it was, and it was momo. she tapped her screen and looked at her message.


hi y/n !! can we talk ?? i just
wanna talk about what happened
a few days ago


hi momo !!!

suresure :)


great !!

meet me outside the dorm <3




suddenly y/n's heart was beating fast. she didnt really know why she was feeling like this, even though she was feeling uneasy she didint mind it and went down to meet momo.

it was dark, the only light source was the bright moon and some lamps outside the dorm, she went out and was welcomed by momo.

"hey!" y/n waved and so did she. they started to walk outside the dorm and had a late night walk. "you do know that what happened was an accident right?" momo looked at her

y/n nodded and smiled "yeah i know, and i forgive you" she looked at her and showed a reassuring smile. "so is that it?" y/n stopped her track and so did momo.

"mmm not quite, i wanna tell you something" momo started walking again and so did y/n. "what is it?" y/n asked looking down at her feet.

"i like someone" momo smiled at her and y/n was shocked. "OMG WAIT WHO WHO" they both sat at the nearby bench.

"youre the first one that knows about this so dont tell anyone okay?" momo looked at her and y/n nodded like a dog. "i like todoroki" momo side eyed her as she said that sentence

y/n's heart sank. she didnt know what to say. her face was emotion less. she didnt know what to do. her bestfriend likes her and so does she.

"hello??? earth to y/nnnn" momo waved her hand infront of her face to gain her attention. "oh? oh yeah haha thats cool !! yall look good together" y/n fake smiled at her.

"how about you y/n, who do you like?" momo looked at her. her eyes changed, momo's gaze made her uncomfortable.

"o-oh i dont like someone as of now hehe" y/n rubbed the back of her neck and giggled nervously. of course she couldnt tell her that she likes her crush, she didnt want to break their friendship.

"mmm okay thats good to hear" momo smiled as she stood up and held out her hand. 'what did she mean by "thats good to hear" ?' y/n thought as she reached for her hand and walked with her.

"do you think todoroki likes me back?" momo suddenly asked. "hm? oh i guess haha" y/n said with a hint of nervousness. "are you okay y/n? you look tense, is something wrong?" momo looked at her.

"oh i do?? im not tense haha i feel great !!" y/n began to jump around so she could show how "relaxed" she was, momo laughed at her goofiness.

they talked for awhile and was back at the dorm. they waved their goodbyes and headed to their room. y/n was so tired that the minute she went in her bed she deeply fell asleep that she didnt even notice the message notif she got.

'hey, stop ignoring me, i already know who you are' - icyhotqt😫


hi !! sorry if this looks alittle rushed

by the time im uploading this im updating
chap 25 so dont worry !!

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