"in- in the front yard?" he looks visibly confused and you nod your head, grabbing a cup from the top shelf of the cabinet, walking over to the refrigerator and filling it up. chugging it, not realizing how seriously thirsty you are.

the house is warm, warmer than the chilling fall morning, you look over at tommy after you finish your glass of water. he's staring, you like catching him staring, it makes you laugh to yourself to see his cheeks go red.

you raise your eyebrows, almost silently asking him "what?" and he just shakes his head, not responding to your facial expressions. you walk out of the room, going to the shared bedroom with niki, grabbing a pair of sweatpants, your eyes skim over a sweater you don't remember packing.

"you look cold, here take this." allen says and your whole body jumps, you quickly turn around. nothing.

you grab the sweater and throw it in the small trash can next to the dresser, not wanting to have to even look at it. you grab another sweater, putting everything on top of your shower bag and go to the bathroom.


"we're watching a scary movie!" tommy screams, he's been arguing with wilbur for the past 10 minutes over what we're going to watch. "guys, please shut up, let y/n decide, she hasn't put any input into anything we're watching." niki says, looking over at you and you smile back.

she knows you'll choose something good. "uh, here hand me that." you say, pointing towards wilburs phone which is connected to the television. he hands you it and you go to netflix, searching up "call me by your name", clicking on the movie and smiling when the beautiful orchestral music starts playing.

"y/n, we can't actually be watching this." tommy says, staring at you, and you nod your head. "i love this movie, just watch it... you might like it." you respond and he groans. "doesn't he like... fuck a peach?" he asks and you giggle, knowing exactly what scene he's talking about.

"yes, it's not that bad, just sit down and watch, your childishness is showing." you say, making karl and niki giggle next to you. wilbur would've laughed but he was fed up with tommy and how he was acting.


the has calmed down to light mist out in the streets, you stare out the window, street lamps brighten the whole area. you desire to go outside, to stare at the stars again.

"what are you doing?" tommy softly asks, walking up behind you and slightly making you jump, you turn around and look up at him, "looking." you respond, he softly grabs your hand. "here, let's go." he leads you down the stairs, and you follow along.

you walk out the front door, your face hits the mist and makes you smile. it's foggy outside, more than you realized while looking out the window. "what are we doing?" you ask and he just smiles, looking at you. "you'll find out."

he leads you along the pavement, going north towards the hill that you've become accustomed to. the field of daisies that he compared you to, making your cheeks go hot just thinking about his words.

"how are you so slow?" he complains, "tommy, we've talked about this numerous times, i'm short, you're tall." you respond and he turns around, looking down at you, his eyes staring into yours. "we're going to get even more wet if you don't quicken your pace just a bit."

he leads you to the top of the hill, seeing the field of daisies, the scent is intoxicating, it always seems to remind you of happiness. he sits down, looking up at the night sky, you sit beside him, looking as well. no stars are visible because of how cloudy it is.

"i was thinking..." he softly says, looking over at you and you put your attention on his words, focusing on what he has to say. you mumble a little 'hmm' and he continues. "we have 10 days left together, that may sound like a long time, but in everything, it's truly not. i don't think i want you to leave, i'm not even close to ready..." he says and you softly nod, your head resting on his shoulder.

"i'm not ready either... i don't want to leave, i haven't been this happy since..." your mind trails to before your dad left, before your brother died, before you developed so many mental issues. you let out a shaky breath, feeling your heart hurt, wanting to go back to a more simple time in life, not a single care in the world.

"thank you." you say, stumbling over your words, your mind is racing a mile a minute and you can't think about anything else other than the things wrong in the world. "for what?" he asks and you respond.

"caring about me like nobody has before." your voice brakes and he softly grabs you, pulling you closer to him, you don't want to cry, but the tears slowly start. "don't cry baby, we can go look at stars later." you hear your fathers voice and your head shoots up, looking around the field.

his voice feels so real, like he's in your ear, so close to you. "what is it?" tommy asks and you let out a sob, knowing that you're just hearing things. even if your father was terrible, and didn't know how to parent, you miss him. a lot.

"n- nothing." you sob into tommys chest, letting all the built up emotions pour out from today and early this morning. but he holds you tight, comforting you, knowing that it's something but he's not going to intrude and ask any questions you know would break you even more. 


super long chapter to make up for the short chapter yesterday :)))

you guys are so supportive and it makes me so happy.

ALSO!! the cover is the field of daisies i write about 

i love you <3


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