"To me? Do you know what it's about?" Hongjoong asked.

Jinhee shook her head. "Sorry.. But you should hurry and change."

Hongjoong sighed,"Okay." He went upstairs to change into more suitable clothing before returning to the kitchen.

"Eomma. Appa."

"Hongjoong. You're finally back." His father spoke.

"Yes. I had a school event."

"On a Saturday?" His mother asked.

"Yes. A festival." Hongjoong spoke curtly.

The woman hummed, clearly disinterested.

"Well, sit.. Oh where's your bodyguard?"

"He's having a family emergency, so he just dropped me off at home.

The woman frowned,"He's supposed to be with you for all hours. I should dock a bit of his pay."

"Eomma! It's a family emergency!"

"Lower your tone." She warned.

"He really has been doing his job Eomma.. please.."

The woman hid her displeasure and opted for calling Jinhee instead. The maid quickly entered the room.

"Please bring in dinner."

"Alright." Jinhee spoke, leaving the dining room to bring out dinner.

Ten minutes later, the dishes were all served and the family had begun to eat.

"So.. what's with the family dinner?" Hongjoong asked, eating a spoonful of his rice.

"Well.." His mother put down her utensils, causing Hongjoong to shift in his seat nervously. "We've decided to arrange a marriage for you.. for business reasons of course."

"What?" Hongjoong whispered, looking at his mom in fear.

"Don't worry, the marriage isn't until the summer after you graduate." She spoke again.

"You set up an arranged marriage for me?" He whispered, shock still taking over him.

"You're taking this news better than I expected. I thought you would be yelling." The woman smirked. Hongjoong's father on the other hand, stared at his child with an empathetic look

Hongjoong wanted so desperately to lash out, but he wouldn't let his mother win.

"..Okay." Hongjoong placed his shaking hands on his lap.

The woman raised her eyebrows at this reaction. "That's it?"

Does she want me to scream and make a commotion? Fucking bitch. Hongjoong thought.

"May I be excused."

"You've barely touched your food." His mother patronized.


"Yes. You may." Hongjoong's father spoke, cutting off his wife.

The woman huffed but continued to eat nevertheless.

Hongjoong stood up and walked to his room feeling numb.



"Oppa?" A tired voice called from upstairs.

Seonghwa took off his shoes at the door and rushed upstairs.


"Why are you here?"

"Appa told me to take care of you." He spoke, turning on s dim lamp and looking around the room. "I'll make you some porridge."

The Prince Protection Program | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now