"Thank god - I'm starving!" Frank exclaimed happily before bolting downstairs, leaving me to follow him much more slowly.

"There you are, I made tacos, I hope that is okay?" my mom greeted us, pulling her ridiculous apron over her head as she spoke.

"That sounds great!" Frank assured her, and she smiled down fondly at him as he piled his plate high with food. Mikey was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed he was out with Pete and Ray somewhere.

"Are you a vegetarian Frank?" I asked as I watched him making his taco, I noticed that he didn't touch the meat at all.

"Mhmm," he mumbled before digging into his food; he wasn't lying, he really must have been hungry.

"Oh honey, why didn't you tell me, I could have made something else," my mom slapped me lightly on the shoulder, as if it was my fault.

"No Mrs. Way - this is perfectly, seriously." Frank assured her, and with the way he was devouring his food, it was obvious he meant it. I sat down next time him, my own plate now full as well.

"I never expected anyone from Texas to be a vegetarian."

"We don't all slaughter cows in our free time Gerard, seriously those stereotypes are so outdated," he giggled.

"So you are from Texas?" my mother pried.

"Yep, I just moved here actually," Frank answered politely.

I ate my food silently as Frank continued to make small talk with my mom. She adored him already, and if I knew my mother at all, as soon as he left, I was going to receive a lecture on how I better not break his heart, and of course she wouldn't listen to me when I said we weren't even together. She knew me better than I knew myself, and it was probably obvious that I was crushing on him.

Finally the meal drew to a close, and my mother excused herself to go clean up, but Frank - being the perfect angel he was, offered to help her, meaning I ended up helping too, because I couldn't be a jerk and just sit there watching them work.

"Frank - you are an absolute gem, you are welcome around here any time," my mother gushed before exiting the kitchen, which was now spotless.

"Your mom is nice."

"Yeah well, she likes anyone who enjoys her cooking," I joked.

"Seriously though, thanks for dinner, it was amazing. We aren't all set up at home yet, so we have mostly just been eating take out."

"Well like my mom said, you are welcome here any time. So do you want to go back up to my room and watch some movies or something?" I was desperately hoping he would say yes; we hadn't gotten near enough alone time earlier, and even then it had all involved schoolwork. I just wanted some time to hang out with Frank without any other distractions.

"That sounds awesome, but I really should be getting home. I still have a lot of unpacking to do, and it's a school night. Can I take a rain check?" My heart plummeted when he declined my offer, only to soar back up again when he mentioned another night of us hanging out.

"Yeah of course, maybe this weekend or something?" I tried to act nonchalant, but I knew every day without him around was going to drive me crazy, so hopefully he didn't already have any other plans.

"That sounds good, I will let you know for sure tomorrow though."

"Well come on, let's go get your stuff then, I wouldn't want to make the princess late for her curfew," I bowed elaborately, and Frank erupted into a fit of giggles.

"Dude you are such a fucking dork!"

"Me? I'm not the one who took notes for an hour today when we could have been doing something fun instead," I fired back.

"That makes me a nerd, not a dork, learn your insults." I couldn't hide the giant grin that split across my face, when Frank loosened up, he was so much fun, and his giggle was contagious.

"Whatever you say princess, now go get your stuff, or do you need me to do that for you too?" I couldn't resist teasing him, it was just way too enjoyable.

"Hey - you were the one who offered to escort me home, so if I'm a princess, that makes you my servant!" Frank yelled before darting upstairs to grab his backpack, leaving me no opportunity to retaliate.

The drive to Frank's house was pretty uneventful, he lived a decent distance away from me, too far too walk, but it wasn't that long of a drive. By the time it was over and we were stopped in front of his house, I wasn't anywhere near ready to let him go just yet. He didn't immediately jump out of my car either, so I took that as a good sign. Unfortunately, I seemed to have lost the ability to form a coherent sentence, so the car was soon filled with an uncomfortable silence.

"So see you tomorrow I guess," Frank began to gather his bag from the floor, and I knew it was now or never.

I leaned closer to him, ignoring the way the stick shift dug into my side awkwardly, and when Frank turned back to face me, presumably to say goodbye one more time, I pressed my lips against his in a gentle kiss.

Objectively speaking, it wasn't anything special for a kiss, just a slight connection, no tongues or anything involved, but in my mind, it might have been the best kiss I have had in years - maybe even rivaling Bert's. I legitimately felt fireworks exploding behind my closed eyelids, and I had thought that stuff only happened in cheesy romance movies.

All too soon, the kiss ended; Frank pulled away harshly, and my stomach twisted nervously, I had pushed him too far this time - I knew it, but I couldn't find it in my heart to regret it quite yet. I mean, he had kissed me back, even if it had only been for a brief second.

"Gerard I can't do this..." Frank whispered hoarsely.

"Why not...I like you Frankie, I really do, and I can tell you have at least some feelings for me. I promise I won't hurt you, no matter what you have heard about me," I poured on the charm, but I could tell it wasn't working, Frank was shaking his head and refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Gerard you and I both know that's a fucking lie right now. I mean seriously, you have known me for what...two days, and you are already trying to kiss me. You're right, I do know about your reputation, and that doesn't bother me because I just want to be your friend, not another fuck."

I tried to protest with some sort of feeble argument that I hadn't even fully thought out, but I was flabbergasted at his rejection; no one have ever been so brutally honest with me before, and fuck did it hurt...Frank continued to speak, not letting himself be interrupted by my stuttering.

"Yeah Gerard - maybe I do like you, but I don't like this person I see before me right now. I like the real you, the one I catch little glimpses of every now and then, like at the coffee shop, or when you are drawing, but this person...I don't even know who they are, and I don't think you do either. So do me a favor and figure your shit out, I'm serious - take a good hard look at your life before you even think about trying to kiss me again."

And with that, Frank stormed out of my car and into his house so fast that I didn't even have a chance to stop him. Even after he disappeared from my view, I couldn't move; his words seemed to have paralyzed me with how deep they had cut. I was angry, and hurting, but underneath all of that, I was scared, because Frank was right - I didn't know who I was anymore, and that was a terrifying thought.

It should have been impossible for Frank to hurt me so much, I mean, he was right - I had only known him for two fucking days, so what did he know about me, and where did he get off telling me things like that, but it was like he knew, like he had been my friends for years, and he had pulled back my layer of bullshit so fast that I was still reeling from the shock of being exposed so easily.

Tears stung at my eyes, but I refused to let them fall, I hadn't cried in forever, and I wasn't going to start now all because some beautiful boy rejected me.

Hey guys here is the next chapter ^_^

I wasn't 100% sure where to go with this one, so hopefully it turned out okay.

See you next time :)

<3 starr

The Whore and the VirginМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя