"You're both thinking about it, aren't you?" I chuckled lightheartedly, trying my best not to fall down the same spiral.

"Do you think your dad has grey eyes too?" Kennedy mumbled. "I mean, it's like the rarest eye colour and it's recessive. I know your mom has grey eyes, but for you to have them your dad has to have the gene for grey or blue eyes which probably means that your dad is mixed, just like you..." he blurted out.

Thinking over it, it seemed logical. I knew very well how genetics worked. Smith, for example, had grey eyes while Micah's eyes were hazel which meant that Micah carried his dad's recessive gene for blue eyes. I nodded to myself. "I never thought of that," I admitted.

I felt Micah glancing at me, perhaps trying to read my expression. I took another deep breath of cold air and pushed the thoughts of my father to the back of my mind. There was a tight knot in my chest. Looking at Smith, it grew larger and weighed heavier. It hurt that I had never truly thought about what it would be like to have actual parents. But it also hurt that I suddenly longed for it. Perhaps the desire to have parents was a side effect of having a kid of my own. Being raised by my grandparents had been plenty enough and therefore the longing for my biological parents felt selfish and unnecessary.

"Hey, you guys!" Our neighbour, Emma, called out as we got closer to our house. She and Robin were helping their kids out of their car seats.

I flinched and cast my eyes on Smith after Emma called out. It had been loud and Smith was a light sleeper. I bit the inside of my cheek and crossed my fingers, praying he would not wake up. Unfortunately, he frowned in his sleep and wriggled in his thick blanket, scrunching up his face. I grimaced as I waited for the sharp cry. Simultaneously, everyone froze up and stayed silent for a second before he cried out and raised his tiny arms, looking for someone to comfort him. Quickly, I lifted him to my chest. He whined impatiently; his nap having been interrupted.

Emma gave us an apologetic look, visibly embarrassed. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered as we got closer.

"It's alright," I chuckled gently as I drew circles on Smith's back. He whined and fuzzed, grabbing my jacket tightly in his small hands as he rubbed his face against me. "You guys just got home from shopping?"

"Yeah," Robin said and lifted the bags in their hand. "We're making..." they interrupted themselves and glanced at Emma for guidance. "What was it called?"

"Chicken chorba!" Emma said excitedly as she lifted their son off the ground. He was quiet, looking just as sleepy as Smith as she placed him on her hip. "My mama used to make it all the time when I was little. I just hope I can do her recipe some justice..."

Robin nodded, smiling gently at their wife before lovingly running their hands through her coily hair. "You'll do fine," they assured her before turning to us. "We're gonna make khobz too," they said.

Angie peaked past her parents' legs and shyly smiled at me. I smiled back as I gently rocked Smith in my arms. He was finally calming down. Angie looked at him with large eyes. As she treaded carefully toward us, I crouched and allowed her to see Smith's, now calm, face.

"Your braids are very pretty," I complimented as she came up to stand next to me.

"Mama braided them for me!" She stated proudly as she carefully reached out for Smith's hand. Automatically, he grabbed onto her finger and held it tightly, earning a pleased chuckle from the five-year-old. "Obi can't braid hair. They always mess it up," she said and looked at Robin who, in turn, blushed slightly and scratched the back of their head.

"You ain't gotta out me like that..." they cleared their throat.

"Anyhow!" Emma said and readjusted her grip on Bayard who stared at us silently. Despite being two already, he barely spoke at all, at least not when we were around. "You guys should come over for dinner next weekend! I'll invite Rayah and Arad too and everyone can bring their own dish to pass around. It will be like a potluck! What do you say?"

I looked up at Micah and Kennedy. While Micah was already nodding at the invitation, Kennedy seemed shy. I knew he was socially awkward, but it amazed me how he after months of living next to and interacting with our neighbours, he still managed to be as shy as a toddler when around them. "We'll be there," I said in his place.

"Great!" Emma smiled. Her bubbly personality and happy smile rubbed off on me whenever I saw her. When she smiled, everyone around her would smile too. She and Robin made a great couple like that. While Emma always seemed excited, Robin was calm. Emma bounced all over the place and Robin was the point she gravitated around. Seeing them together warmed my heart. "We'll see you then!" Emma said.

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