''Oh this one is really nice.. great choice. You are lucky as it is on offer right now''. She gets it out of the display and shows it to you one more time before putting it in the box. 

''Someone special?'' she says and smiles at you. You nod. 

''Would you like to put an engravement on it?'' she asks you. She explains that its an additional 50$ 

You look down sadly and explain how you don't have that kinda money. She asks who it is for and without going into details about the whole witchcraft thing you tell her about Cordelia. She tells you.. she used to be married to a wonderful woman before she sadly passed away a few years ago. She says she will engrave it for free because you are so kind.

You smile and thank her, a tear rolling down your eye.

You walk out with the beautiful bracelet in a nice box with a bow on it and start to slowly make your way back to the academy. 

On the way home you think long and hard about how you are gonna face Cordelia. You have two options. Confess your feelings as you now know that she has the same for you after hearing the conversation with her mother. The other option is to write Cordelia a letter and explain your feelings. You think to yourself that you want Cordelia to be happy and if you would confess your feelings the next two weeks will be amazing but Cordelia would have to face a lot of heartbreak after you are gone. You decide for the second option. You don't wanna hurt Cordelia.

You really quietly go through the gates of the academy and take the bracelet to your room. You hide it under your pillow. You start writing a letter and then you decide it is time to leave. 

Before your friends went home yesterday you said goodbye to them and told them all what you appreciated about them the most and your happiest memories with them. Zoe, Queenie and Maddison were confused because it sounds like you were saying goodbye. They don't make too much of it. 

What no one knew was that you already made up your mind. You were gonna go to hell today. There was no point in waiting two weeks longer. You did not wanna be around anyone anymore. It hurt too much to pretend like you have all the time in the world. Thats why you hugged your friends tight one more time yesterday.

You can not face Cordelia like this that's why you bought her the bracelet and write a letter for her explaining everything including your feelings to her and you never meant to hurt her. 

You put on the outfit that you bought with Cordelia on your first weekend and clean your room. you put Cordelias present and the letter neatly on your bed. You sit on the chair in your room and say a few latin words talking to Papa Legba to take you two weeks earlier.

Your eyes feel heavy and as you wake up you find yourself in this familiar but dark place known as hell. 

Meanwhile in the greenhouse:

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Meanwhile in the greenhouse:

''It's hopeless...there is nothing we can do'' Cordelia suddenly says looking at her mother. 

''It's no use Cordelia.. I mean in this book it's talking about how you can only go to hell for the deeds in your past and the wrong things you did.. like I have.. but Y/N is innocent'' Fiona says looking up from the book she is reading.

''Y/N already made the trade.. he won't reason with me about it.'' Cordelia says sadly.

''I'm sorry.. come on it's late.. let's go back inside'' Fiona says 

Cordelias POV:

Cordelia is upset. She walks up to your room to try to talk to you. She wants to confess her feelings to you. After yesterday she felt horrible for treating you this way and making you break down. She held you all night and comforted you. 

She opens the door and see Y/N on the chair. At first it seems like Y/N is sleeping but soon Cordelia notices that you are not breathing. ''Oh my god'' she shouts running over to you.

She sees the box and letter on the bed. She opens the box and finds the golden bracelet from your first weekend inside. ''For Delia.. my love always Y/N'' 

Cordelia immediately starts crying and falls onto the floor. She reads your letter:

''Dear Cordelia.. I know you will not understand this. I wanna apologize for causing so much trouble in your life so far. I should have never came here. I have always been a failure and just cause everyone around me trouble and pain. I decided to go to hell early. I know how this sounds.. silly. But I don't want to keep being around you trying to keep my feelings inside and hide them. The truth is that I am deeply in love with you. You are the most beautiful person I ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon. Please don't ever forget that. Your smile makes me so happy and whenever I look at you it feels like you are angel and I am in heaven. I hope you like the present. Please wear it and maybe sometimes you can think of me and it makes you smile. Please say my goodbyes to the girls and also to Fiona. I had the greatest time here so far. You guys have made my time here so valuable. I learnt what it meant to have a real family. Thank Fiona for trying. I would always save her again and take her out of this hell. When I saw her getting hit by that man in hell it reminded me of my mother and dad. He used to always hit her.   I hope the two of you will be able to build your relationship again. I love you so much Cordelia. 

Goodbye Y/N''. 

Cordelia breaks down on the floor crying. Her crying eventually changes into screaming. She did not want to lose you. Fiona walks in finding your body on the chair and Cordelia next to it screaming. She tries to pick Cordelia up but it's impossible. She takes the letter and reads it. Tears start forming in Fionas face. 

Fiona rubs Cordelias back and tries to comfort her. Cordelia calms down after a while. She puts the bracelet on her arm and says: ''I have to find her.. I have to save her.'' Fiona knows no matter what she says Cordelia was gonna go and try to save that girl. She just nods and puts her hands on Cordelias cheeks. ''Please be careful.. we only just reunited again''. She holds her daughters hands as Cordelia makes her way to hell to save Y/N.


Hey everyone :) thank you so much for continuing to read my story. I am working on Sarah Paulson and Characters one shots (normal ones + mental health ones) any suggestions? please let me know!

After this I have two more parts before the story finishes!!!!

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