Even she was shocked when she got to know that after the first meeting itself I am going to marry her. She never thought that it will happen so early. I still remember for in the starting days she used to panic...that was it all really real. She doubted herself...that is she really the one who deserves me. I could never answer her question that what Happened all of a sudden that I just said...I will marry her. I just saw her for the first time sleeping in the company guest room...and then I just got lost in the ocean of her beauty.....and later when I came to know more and more about her that ocean of beauty turned into a deep ocean of love. This woman infront of me loves me so much that I can't even have the guts to turn my eyes around the other girls around me. Moon I don't know the exact reason for why I love you this much to such extent ....but Moon it's true...I love you too moon and back...to infinity. I want to cherish the whole life with you..just with you. Even if I get drowned away in this love ocean of yours i am ready.

"Will you people exchange rings...instead of just looking and staring at eachother" Jiwoo laughed making everyone else laugh at us. So finally we exchanged our rings....and again marked the bond of our marriage by a kiss.

The whole room was filled with applause and cheers. The members...the families were enjoying this moment and we were sitting there smiling at eachother and realizing it that finally we made it.

Mruda's pov

"She is your daughter.....?" Tae pointed at me seeing me feeding small pieces of French fries to my toddler baby girl. My babygirl looked so cute and fluffy....

"Yes...it's been two years of my marriage and she is the best gift I have got from my husband" I smiled at Tae. The man whom I used to love so much in the past. I will not say that I don't love him now. But the place at which my husband is today..Tae could never be. He was my bias...and he remained like that. He is my first love I don't know whether I should call it a puppy love or not but still I love my husband to more extent than what I ever had for Tae. My husband is my love and life and my cute little bundles daddy.

"Can I have her ....I just wanna play with her..... AMI " He smiled raising his hands to have my sweet munchkin. Tae loved kids so much and he still loves them so much. Obviously he will want to play with the child of his army ..it's a cute moment.

"Hey she is very pretty...just like you" Tae smiled at me still playing with her.

"Thanks for the compliment... OPPA....!!!" I smiled. Realities seem so hard but when you start to accept it... Everything goes on right. I have moved on in my life...and am living a very beautiful life...a life where I have my own family...my husband and my child. And the reason for my happiness today is my Husband..Tae you will be forever the best memory I will have but still now you exist no more than an OPPA to me. I wish you all the happiness in your future life. May you get the best bride ever and have a cricket team. Coz you love kids so much!!!!🤣

Meghu's pov

"Jimin stop roaming around...you will not get my number" I was yelling at him.

"Why can't , we are friends na...." He was making sobbing faces.

"Yes...but still....plss Jimin" I was annoying him from past half an hour. I knew he liked me and wanted my number but it's fun to annoy people like him.

"Plsss .....or I will fall on your feet" Jimin yelled.

"Ahahah...don't create a scene. ...take my card..." I gave it to him...or this drama king will ruin my mauli's function....

"So....I think....I have a chance..lol!🤣" He was smiling.

"Whatever..I have still not accepted you" I smirked at him. And all the smile dissapeared from his face. It's fun to tease him!!!!!

The next day!!!!!

Hoseok's pov

I came downstairs to find Moon busy baking something in the kitchen. She looked so beautiful. All her hairs were in a bun but still some were there on her face. The flour on one side of her cheeks were making her look more pretty. Wearing a soft pink color middy, my girl looked very beautiful...though she has zero makeup then to the way she glows.

"You will come and help me or just stand there staring at me and distracting me!!!" She winked at me.

"Aah no Moon what are you doing...lemme help you" I went there and pulled her towards me away from the kitchen slab.

"Ohhh...come-on Hoseok...lemme work..there is too much work to complete...!!!!" She felt like irritated so I released her but as soon as I left her she ran towards the sink and she started vomiting. I went beside her and patted her back. After she was calm I took her to the drawing room. Made her rest there against the cushion. And gave her a glass of water.

"Moon what Happened all of a sudden" I questioned her sitting beside her to comfort her.

"I don't know from past few dayss...I feel like the bile rises in my throat and then I vomit." She explained and rested her head on my shoulder.

Later after few hours..

I had called the doctor and other family members. We all were waiting while the doctor examined Moon inside. After few minutes she came out.

"What has happened to her doctor" we all questioned the doctor all together.

"Nothing why are you people panicking...she is all fine and yeah...she is PREGNANT....." Doctor exclaimed happily.


Good news Good news....

What do you people want Hobi's first child to be....
A baby boy or baby girl?

Btw the book's gonna end soon...♥️

Do vote and comment.

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