Part 17

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The drive to Tina's was filled with small talk, mostly from Steve. Once you arrived you saw the familiar blue camaro parked there already. Steve opened the car door for you and took your hand. It was obvious how badly he wanted to show you off and what this party meant to him.

You made your way in and started chatting to people. Steve didn't leave your side and held onto you like a lost puppy. Sure, he was the original bad boy of your school, the most popular boy etc but the way he acted around you was different. He genuinely developed feelings and you couldn't be happier about it. Steve's feelings would make it so much more fun. Sure, it wasn't some sort of 2 year long master-plan to take him down. No, you just wanted to mess with his head and crush his confidence. The boy needed to be humbled and you were going to do that in the most painful way possible.

Although the party was full of people you found yourself bored and decided to take it up a notch fairly soon after your arrival. Steve couldn't have been happier when you asked him to come upstairs with you. People saw it and knew immediately what was going to go down.

"Are you sure you want it babe? Now?" Steve asked.

"Lets just go to some private place and make out, I am tired of all the noise there." You said with a smile. You weren't going to fuck him, he was just too unappealing for that. However, a make out session would do a lot of good before you took the first step of your plan.

You two found an empty bedroom and entered it, closing the door behind you. You turned on a dim light by the bed where Steve sat down.

"I've been waiting for this, Mia" He said, and tapped on his lap, indicating you should sit there.

You did as he said and started kissing but the only thought in your mind was Billy. The way you wished it was him, and not Steve, whose lap you're sitting on. The way you felt like you're cheating on him although he knew that this was going to happen. It started feeling really wrong, really fast. You pulled away, leaving Steve breathless.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, scanning you with his eyes.

"Yes, sorry, just got distracted for a second." You said with a fake smile and kissed him again.

Some time went by and you both decided it was time to go down again before the party died down to enjoy some more alcohol and music. This is where your plan begun.

"You go down Steve, I'll freshen up in the bathroom and see you soon." With that he left and you went to rinse your mouth with some water. You wanted to get rid of the taste of him but it didn't seem to work. The only other option was alcohol so you went down and drank whatever you found until someone tapped your shoulder. Not wanting to be with Steve just yet you simply said "give me a minute" without even looking at him. However, the voice that replied wasn't his. It was Billy and you couldn't be happier to hear him.

"How's it going?" he asked, trying not to give out what he means in case anyone was listening.

"Good." You said, looking at him and taking in the impeccable shape of his body. "Meet me in the bathroom behind the stairs in 10mins." You said and Billy smiled.

As he left you nursed a drink for a while, taking in the vibe of the party. There were lots of people, which was to be expected. Guys trying to impress girls, some people wasted, couples making out in the most random places. One thing stuck out while you were observing everyone and that was Billy. He was obviously passing time just like you were but he had a blonde girl by his side. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to her yet the girl was basically grinding on him. The sight made you furious so once you made eye contact you mouthed "now" to him and started walking to the bathroom.

Moments later you were in the small space and he followed you in, closing the door behind him.

"So, how's your secret plan going?" Billy asked, putting his hands on your waist.

"Fine, I don't like it anymore so I want to speed it up. He is so repulsive I can barely stand kissing him." You confided.

"I can barely take it too, M. His nasty little smile when he came downstairs was almost enough for me to punch him." Billy whispered to your ear, making you shiver.

You missed him and needed him so the kiss that followed was intense and desperate. Kissing Billy was like shaking hands with God (or Devil) for that matter while with Steve it felt as forced as it can be. His smell, his taste, the way his body felt under your fingertips made you moan but you had to control yourself.

"Maybe you want to tell me the plan now?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yes, I should've told you right away. We both want him crushed, right?" Billy nodded and let you continue. "So, I figured the best way to do it is let him think that he has it all – me as his girlfriend, good status at school etc. Once he feels like the king of the world we make him doubt himself. The first part of it is now – people should see us leaving the bathroom together and start talking about it. Once he asks me about it, I'll deny it, leaving him confused and unsure. I will keep reassuring him until, one day, we will let him see us together. He will know that the whole relationship was a lie and that we tricked him and made him look like a fool in front of everyone. That'll crush him."

"Jeez babe, this evil side of you makes me unreasonably hard." Was all that Billy could say before guiding your hand to the front of his jeans. You touched his bulge, getting a moan from him. Telling him the whole plan made you feel better and you knew that even though you'd have to kiss Steve and spend time with him – the times with Billy (and his reactions to this plan too) would make it all worthwhile.

Bad boy // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now