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How do you kill a God?

Was the one question no one really sure the answer of.

How do you even kill an immortal? They tried to kill each other, didn't they? An immortal vs an immortal, yet we all know how they failed. Then, they tried to send mortals to try, all of them, one by one, turned to ashes merely just because they tried.

One would say, you pit them against each other, by creating a war. Let them feel the fear of knowing they could never rely on each other no more. Knowing, that their own blood would let them bleed in the name of living. The God of War would laugh at that thought. He would sit on his throne, laughing, after all, what you mortals never seem to get was, the wars he made are not for Gods, never for Gods, they were for you. He made wars for mortals, all in the name of his own amusement.

Some would say, you can only kill Gods by forgetting them. But, how do you forget a God, when all went wrong and the first thing you do is turn to them to ask for help? You can deny them all you want, erase their names from your mythologies, though it weakens them, it would never kill them. After all, as long as there are humanities, there will still be hearths.

Draco Malfoy, by no means, was a God.

Yet, he came out of a war alive and well. A scratch here and there, one less parent on his end.

Draco Malfoy, by no means, was a God, but that didn't mean that it was going to be easy to break him. After all, he managed to stay alive even when he was on the losing side. He did what he needed to survive. Nothing can break him anymore, not even war itself.

The war might not kill Draco Malfoy;

But this sure would.

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