What a Pair: Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

He then attached a headset to his head. And some wires descended into the goo. Using his own thoughts he began to design a look for the suits. 

For peter, he had the mask, shoulders, a part of the arms and hands, all red. Then he had a black spider design meshing with the red at his upper chest, which then went all the way to the feet. 

(kinda like the superior spiderman suit)

For Gwen, he started it white, mask, hood, and arms. As usual, the legs and chest were black, but some white in there. But this time he shaped the black in a spider-shaped much like Peter's, there was no pinks or blues. 

Both masks had no lenses as he had made those out of tech.

Pushing a button two sets of white eye lenses that were outlined in black descended, held in clamps. Both sets were exactly like the first suit Tony gave Peter. 

The robotic clamps pushed the lenses in the empty places on the masks, and the material automatically absorbed them and integrated them into the suit. 

He has built the eye lenses with a HUD, communications, AI capabilities, tracker, and health monitoring system. Wires were inserted which the suit integrated by itself, the wires were for health monitoring and other functions. He had found during testing that the suit after coming in contact with Peter's chemical compound for his webs, were able to make it themselves. So he just added firing mechanisms and the suit them formed it into web-shooters. 

"And Peter thought the Iron-Spider suits were intuitive!" Tony joked.

Deciding it was enough for today, Tony took off the head-gear and walked out of the room. Missing the suit's faces temporarily gain mouths with razor-sharp teeth, while the eyes glared at him.


Gwen's POV

Wow...these two weeks have been awesome...I mean besides the fact that practically everyone we ever cared about is just dust floating in the air. 

But Gwen had really never felt happier, dating Peter, even though they had only gone on one actual date, just felt right. They had already been doing everything together, even before they started dating, but now it had a whole new meaning, it felt different. For some reason just sitting down to play video games together, seemed to be more fun, waking up early and walking out of their rooms to see the other with a bedhead, seemed funnier. She seemed to have a permanent happy feeling, a tingle in her chest, one that swelled in Peter's presence.

Things were better. 

While the Iron-Spider suits were gone, and that sucked. Gwen and Peter had taken to their previous suits, the ones they modified to fight Scorpian and Rhino. But after having the tech they had access to, and having it suddenly become unavailable, kinda sucked. So without Tony's knowledge. Pepper had granted them a lab, one they called the 'SSFOA' (Spider Suit Factory of Awesomeness). Half the time Tony thought they were somewhere kissing each other's brains out, they were actually in the lab, coming up with suit designs...and kissing each other's brains out. 

With Peter and Gwen working together they had already come up with hundreds of upgrades, alternate suits, different color schemes, and different tech, some of which they had already implemented. 

Peter had started working on a project called USS(BR) which stood for 'Upgraded Spider Suit (Black & Red) he had added integrated web-shooters, advanced gliding capabilities, and advanced HUD into its already vast improvements. (A/N Far From Home suit)

Gwen and Peter together had 'borrowed' some of Tony's nanobots, and were trying to make them work with their cloth suits. Either for armor or to make things easier to put on. Currently, they had found a way to have the bots feel and look like cloth but still hold their strength. 

Gwen was also working on her own secret project: Operation PtrHd, she had been working on a 'hood' made of nano-tech, that she was going to sneak onto the USS(BR) or some other suit. A couple of days ago when they were building and designing Gwen had said Peter should add a hood, Peter had replied that he didn't wear hoods well and that he would leave hoods to Gwen. 

Gwen was now working on a hood for Peter's suit, one that will make him rethink that hoods, were not his thing. It was made of kevlar, with nano-tech sewn inside. The hood had temperature control abilities, along with a music player (of course), voice changer/amplifier, and other things. 

She had added these into her own suit as well, but she wanted Peter's to be cool so that he never wanted to go 'hoodless' again. 

Looking over, she saw that Peter was working on Karen. He had been working on her response time. While she had been upgraded for the fight with Scorpian and the Rhino, after their fight with Thanos and the other aliens, they knew she was lacking. They had also fully integrated her with the suits, before she had been housed in the Avengers headquarters, which was why she lost signal when they left earth, with her being a part of their suits, she would be wherever the suits were, making things easier. 

He had also been programming her to observe situations and automatically react. She had been a little slow with the electrical shields and that had caused the Iron Spider suits to be destroyed, now she had a ton of scanners at her deposal, to observe combat and enemies, and implement preventive protocols before Gwen or Peter asked. 

They hadn't implemented any noticeable changes to their suits yet though, as they didn't want to get Tony involved. 

But they had made many different prototype suits: 

A.L.T suit (Avenger's Level Threat)-(in progress)

Iron Spider Suit Mk2-(in progress) 

USS(BR) suit-(in testing phases) 

A.P.S (Advanced Protective Suit)-(prototype)

Stealth Suit-(dropped)

And gear they thought would be good: 

Insulated Lining-(implemented) 

Hardened gauntlets-(implemented) 

Advanced AI-(in progress)

Medical Scanner-(in progress)

Auto Web Crafters-(In designing phase)

Armored cloth-(implemented)

They had even gotten contact with Shuri, a survivor of the snap, and now Queen of Wakanda, and they were discussing a deal to obtain some vibranium.

Deciding they had been working too long, Gwen got up and grabbed Peter's hand, "come on Pete! we need to go find a Make-out spot-- I mean 'Strategic Observation Platform for Tactical Uses'" 

Peter blushed but willingly followed Gwen, yup...things were good.

Yay! I'm done, I'm struggling to implement the weight of the decimation right now, I feel like I'm writing the story as if people don't care that half of everyone is gone, but I'm trying. 

Criticism is welcome (only constructive) Thank You for reading!


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