Siblings Stick Togeather.

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Summary: When Tommy is Exiled without his twin sister knowing, she then marches up to Dream and demands him to take her to her brother, he of course agreeing.
Warnings: cursing, yelling, force, possible fighting, blood.
Word Count: 998


You knew what Tommy had done, you also knew that Ranboo had helped-

What you didn't know, or even expect, was that your own best friend would betray you and your brother like this.

• • •

"Tubbo I can't believe you just did let Dream take him?! How is Y/n going to feel about this!" Quackity yells.

You had just came back from ghostbur's house, having stayed the night there to hang out with him and read some books he's stolen from others.

"Who did Dream take and why am I involved?" I asked while setting my bag down that's filled with books.

"Also where is Tommy? He has this one book I want to give Ghostbur.." everyone in the room was silent. I looked at Fundy who was the most nervous.

"Fundy..? Where is Tommy?" I said slowly. The fox boy swallows hard and begins to stutter "well you see...if Tubbo hadn't of done it then we'd have really big walls- you gotta understand!"

"What did Tubbo do? Where is my brother?" I ask louder.

"DreamdemandedthatweexiledTommyorelse-" Quackity quickly yells out (Dream demanded that we exiled Tommy or else). I stood there shocked.

"Tommy's been exiled?!" I screamed. They all jumped at my now angry and loud tone, my eyes looked to Tubbo who stood there quietly in his President outfit.

Without even thinking I stormed up to him and punched him in the face. I would have done a lot more if Quackity hadn't pulled me off and held me back. "LET ME GO! HE DESERVED TO BLEED" I screamed while struggling against his grip.

Blood ran out of Tubbo's nose which was bend in a horrid angle. Tears were streaming down his face.

I quickly grew silent and pushed Quackity away from me and spat at Tubbo before starting my way out of the house.

"W-where are you going?" Fundy asked, who was still in his spot form before- to scared to move.

"Dream. I'm going to demand he take me to my brother so he isn't alone, sense you lot don't seem to care much about it." That's all I said before grabbing you bag and storming out. I could hear them yelling for me not to but I ignored them and made my way to the only place I could think I could meet Dream.

As I get to the Community House (RIP), I then set out a message asking for Dream to meet me there, within a few minutes I see the green man show up.

"I see you heard what had happened" he says calmly, I grunt "yeah- all I'm asking is you take me to Tommy...if he's being Exiled then so am I.." I chuckle "besides- I don't think I should be allowed in L'manburg after what I just did to Tubbo.."

Dream gives me a look then notices the redness on my knuckles and sighs "I suppose if I take you to him then that means you also won't cause any trouble...though you behave better then..him"

I let out a growl "the fuck does that mean!"

He laughs "that means you aren't a brat like Tommy"

I go to say something to him but stop myself, if I start insulting him or attacking him then not only do I put Tommy in danger- but he might not even bring me to Tommy...

"Whatever...just- just take me to my brother.." Dream shrugs and takes me over to a boat, we both get in and he starts peddling through the waters.

• • •

We finally made it to an area of land and I see a dirt hut and some blonde hair. Tommy!

I don't even give Dream enough time to stop the boat, I jump out and make my way through and out of the water before running up to him.

"TOMMY!" I screamed and tackled him into a hug tightly, he stands shocked before hugging me back "y/n! Why are you here?!"

I laugh and pull away "I can't leave my brother to be exiled alone- what kind of amazing twin would I be if I did that?" He chuckles but then stops and frowns from behind me,

"The fuck is green man doing here?" He snarls. "He had to bring me here Big T.." I said while calming him down.

"Tommy I never told you the rules of your Exile....well now both of your guys Exiles.." he starts while looking at us from behind his mask.

"Y/n, considering your not actually Exiled- I'll let you come back to L'manburg and the SMP whenever you want....but Tommy you have to stay here. If I see you in L'manburg and not here, I'll kill you and burn your discs." His voice goes cold.

"I'll be checking in every once and a while to watch you both, to make sure you don't do anything bad." We all stay silent after that.

Dream lets out an uncomfortable sigh of awkwardness "I'll be leaving then. Have fun-" then he gets into his boat and peddles away.

"Prick" I says while throwing a rock near him, causing both myself and Tommy to chuckle.

"So how did you find out about me being exiled?" Tommy asks, I rubbed my knuckles "I overheard Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy; asked them about it; made them confess; and then I punched Tubbo out of anger"

"You punched Tubbo?!" Tommy screamed, "yeah- pretty sure I broke it....that was probably a dumb idea but oh well" I laughed.

"Why did you want to be exiled with me Y/n? L'manburg is your home..." Tommy started to sound sad and I frowned before putting my arm around his shoulders, "because dumbass- your my twin, my other half. We stick together through everything!" I smiled at him, "plus home is only with you" a smile slowly grows onto his face as he yells "HELL YEAH!"

Siblings stick together, that's what they are made for. Nothing will ever stop that, god help who does.

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